Monday, February 24, 2014

Here We Go Again!

What is enough?
Back to the ice age.
 No beautiful sunrise this morning and when Karen and I were went to the barn it was about 8 degrees.  Holy Moly!

 Before long the wind kicked up and it was like that all day.

 Was out of gas in the picture taking world and grabbed very few shots.

Saw a nice sunset when I went out to tuck the girls in.

 Pulled some cabbage soup out of the freezer...
  made a couple cheddar cheese panninis (could someone tell me how to spell that word correctly????) with a side of apples and that was that.

Yesterday I told you about Sara and Saint Tim's new sheep (Burrdock) who was transported from New York back to Kentucky (in the back of their car) and I could not load the picture.  See him back there?  You can check out what he was doing today on Sara's blog by clicking on Punkin's Patch in my sidebar.  He's a lucky boy, to have been rescued by Robin and sent to a dream home.
Night all.


  1. The colors in that sunset are gorgeous! Just love the story about the rescue sheep going to the farm jackpot!

  2. Panini (sandwich) Wish you could have attended the cookie party. Burrdock is very cool.

  3. Lori, I feel cold looking at your pictures. And then you posted the beautiful sunset and your warm stables, which I could feel too! LOL. Oh what a delight to see Burrrrdock in your post. I'm off to visit Punkin Patch now to see what his story is. Have a great day. Jo

  4. Si scrive così (it is written this way):-)

    panino (singular)
    panini (plural)

    I made one cheddar cheese panino

    I made some cheddar cheese panini

    Buon appetito!

  5. Grazie! Auntie Reg and Miha. Now I will always spell panini the correct way. When I have spelled it like that, my computer says it is misspelled.

  6. We sure are mixed up by all this nutty weather.
    Lily & Edward

  7. Beautiful sunset. So windy here too! Had some flurries today. It never ends!

    Love the happy sheep rescue story. I have to oh check out her blog now.


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