Friday, February 21, 2014

Don't Wear Leaky Boots...

 A lot of that deep snow we had has started to disappear and now we are into some flooding.  If we could just squeeze in a few more days of melting before the big freeze comes back.

 Gary and I had a 10am appointment to have our taxes done and on the way home we stopped at Wegmans.  Company coming tonight and instead of going out to dinner (where we would have to wait in line because it's Friday and half the world goes out for a fish fry) we decided to make dinner ourselves.  

Got home and started making sauce for lasagna.  Sara and Tim were supposed to come last weekend and were not able to make it until today. I had planned to make this meal for them then, as it is a delicious vegetarian dish...and decided to give it another shot.

 Also made a banana cream pie for dessert.
 We had all kinds of weather today.  Wind, rain, snow, melting and a little sunshine.

 At 4:30 sharp, our guests arrived.

 Sara and I went out to do chores while Gary and Tim discussed the state of the world.
 She brought along her new, beautiful Nikon camera.
 There were deer all over the place in the back 40.

 By the time we got back in....
 everything was ready for dinner.

 It was delish!
 Look at what Sara made for us!  It's Graham.
 As per usual, Gary and Tim got in some map study time...

 while Sarah worked on a knitting project that was of great interest to Phoebe.

Now we are all full and mellow from sitting by the fire.
Night all.


  1. Did I see skis and poles there again? I cannot imagine skiing from my house to the barn, what a way to go, Graham , he is super white sheep, they look like that here after rain, then sunshine to dry and fluff up their fleece. Cheers to all, Jean.

  2. What a mixed bag of weather you are getting...we've had high winds and rain (flooding in some counties). Now it is dry (at last) and mild, so a better weekend here. Hope your big freeze is completely over, although sounds like you are expecting more. Your meal looks delicious, my mouth is watering :-)

  3. Love Graham. So cute.

    Dinner looks fabulous. Hope we all have a big meltdown before next week too.

  4. What a beautiful day! Thank you for, as always, sharing photos of your beautiful girls! :). Dinner looks delicious, and your pics are making my mouth water.


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