Saturday, February 15, 2014

And Now For Today's Weather....

This Journal has turned into a weather report.  What a drag.
Light snow, morning noon and night.

 We have been without a phone for 3 days and today it was repaired.  I wanted to be here when the technician arrived and passed on drumming.

Gary went cross country skiing....

 and I fell asleep watching the olympics next to the fire.
 I'm going to give skiing a shot tomorrow...just concerned about my knee replacement if I fall.

The temperature was quite decent today.

 I'm liking some of these fuzzy pictures of Maggie.

 Mother Nature created a picture on the barn roof.  Very contemporary.
 Anyway, the girls got tucked in and we had leftovers for dinner.  Double yum.
Slightly boring, but a very relaxing day.
Night all.


  1. Snow, snow, snow! And be careful w/the CC skiing. xx

  2. Gary, was the ski to the barn, or further afield?? Super video, and great weather report, saves me looking it up on "wunderground". Take care Lori, us bloggers do not want another fracture. Cheers to you both, Jean.

  3. Please take care of yourself - you have healed so well. I love the snowy sketch on the barn roof. Warm hugs, Jo

  4. Lori there is an app you need to download on your iPad called's $2.99 but I promise you will love it!
    The good news is the willow branches are starting to look ever so slightly greener! Did you guys plant that tree or was it on the property before?

  5. Nature creates such beautiful art. I bet you'd enjoy xc skiing. But yes, falling down is not fun for your knee.
    Has it healed well?

    I snowshoe here, and yesterday we had a very fun snowshoe adventure!

  6. Same here. More snow and very windy. Didn't do much either.

    The skiing looks like fun. You could probably put knee pads on if you're worried about a fall. I was always fearful of my knee in case I fell off one of the horses , well, I fell off and nothing happened so I'm not that worried anymore.

  7. I think we are all writing about the weather these days! Thankfully we are getting a break this week and are in the 60s and even a couple of days at 70 through our seven day forecast. Then it sounds like things may get cold and ugly again. Sigh.


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