Friday, January 3, 2014

What I Did On Random 5 Friday

 1.  Morning chores.  3 degrees with a windchill of -9.
 Today the horses spent the day outside as there was very little wind and the sun made an appearance.

2.  I shoveled my butt off!!!!
 We have a very long goes from the road to the front paddock with a turnaround.
 During the past two days we got between 14 and 16 inches of snow with drifts over 2 feet and shoveled 4 times.

 3.  Carol and Topper took us out to lunch at the Brook House.

4.  On the way home we drove through Spencerport and the sky was still blue.
 The frozen canal looked like an endless skating rink.

 There's a new pub in town!  We need to try it out.

 When we got to Route 19 we were anxious to see if this semi was back in an upright position. Gary was directly behind it this morning and it skidded right off the road and ended up on it's side in the ditch.  He called 911 and he and another man stopped to help get the driver out of the cab.

 Home by 3.

5. Chores again at 5:15.

 The cats were happy to be in the house and out of the weather.

 A very good time to have a wood stove.

Some California friends made a visit to the floats from the Rose Parade and sent photos.  For 10 bucks you can go have a look and it is very well attended.  The flower smell was divine.

Night all.

To view more Random 5 participants, click on A Rural Journal in my sidebar.


  1. Oh I am tired just reading about what you did all that snow and shoveling. It surely is cold out I hear it will be warmer for a couple of days then straight back to nasty. I am going to miss my vacation:) Take care and stay safe and warm. Hug B

  2. Lori, when is your birthday? I think you can get a snow plough attachment for a quad bike, perfect!!! Hope it warms up for the weekend for you all. Cheers from Jean

  3. What a full portrait of your day! And seriously: can't someone plow your drive -- or do you appreciate the exercise?! Take care . . . xx

  4. You have lots more snow than us. I think you need a snow-blower or tractor and put down those shovels! We're at -11 tonight though. I really don't mind snow and cold but this is ridiculous.

    Bet the driver was happy to have some nice guys stop to help him out.

  5. this summer will feel fantastic ;)...

  6. Glad you are done shoveling (for now). Stay close to that wood stove.

  7. I believe this is my 1st time visiting your blog. Lots of great photos here. My oh my you have a TON of snow. I am so sorry for you. I'm not a winter person and shoveling even 1-2 inches is bad enough but that much, yikes! I do hope your snow eases up soon. A New Follower.

  8. Wishing you a beautiful New Year full of fun adventures Lori.
    SOmehow I lost you in my reader but I am popping you back in , I knew I had been missing someone :)


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