Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Reprieve....

 A very beautiful start to the day.

 No shoveling, so chores went quickly....sort of.

The girls were loving the higher temperature (reached 37) and they napped in the sun.  (They will need to remember this when it's a high of 8 on Tuesday).

 Especially Berlin.

 Here, you can see how deep the snow is next to the driveway after a lot of shoveling.

 It was so bright Gucci could not keep her eyes open.
Went to Wegmans for a major load of groceries and took a hot shower when I got home.  After that I was like a wet noodle and passed on drumming.

Chores at 5:15.  No pictures, just frustrated.  Maggie and Angel would not come in from the big pasture and they would not let me catch them when I tried getting them out there.  Full of beans and running around in the dark.  Karen came to my rescue.  That snow was way to deep for me to do that for very long.

Made an interesting casserole for dinner.  One that my Mom used to make.
Have no idea what you would call it, but boy does it taste good.
First I par boiled and browned some Polish sausage.  Then I boiled up some sauerkraut.
Sauteed a big onion and added the drained sauerkraut.  Seasoned it with celery salt and fresh ground pepper.  Added some cider vinegar and brown sugar plus a little water.  Mixed well and let it cook for a few minutes.  I had no nice noodles so I used what was on hand and mixed them with a blend of cream of mushroom soup, milk and sour cream.  Tossed everything in this pot and gave it a good stir.  Put it in the oven for 20-30 minutes.
Real old fashioned farm food.

Night all.


  1. Glad to see the sunshine. I can relate to your frustration. The goats escaped the other evening during chores and no amount of hollering on my part brought them back or any help from the house.

  2. Glad you had no more shoveling! I can't remember it being this cold. Stay warm.

  3. Wish I was there! We're headed for big too...but got hosed on the snow :-(. Maybe tomorrow.

  4. What a day you've had! A little warmer for us today too, but temps are supposed to really take a tumble on Tuesday.

    I had to grin thinking about your trying to get the horses--I have to do that with the dogs too--I think they do it on purpose! Stay warm, and your dinner is the perfect comfort food, and really looks delicious!!

  5. I'm glad the snow stopped. Now you just have cold weather to deal with according to the weather reports I'm hearing. Brett had a frustrating time trying to catch Mufasa yesterday. Winston was herding Mufasa away from Brett and both horses were racing around -- full of beans -- and refusing to be caught. Brett was so frustrated and I was at work so no help at all.

  6. that's my kind of supper on a cold day!


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