Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thar She Blows....

The morning started off quietly....

 Barb came over to pick up a couple loads of her hay that is stored in our barn before the snow flies.
 It's not going to look like this in the morning.
 Class at 10.

 Chorus performance at 2 at a local, beautiful senior living facility.
 It was very tastefully decorated.

 We were only so-so....still need more practice.

Gary had a dinner meeting tonight down at the college.  I went out to do chores a little before 5 and the snow had not arrived yet.  Sid kept me company.
 Then it started!

We're in for it.
Night all.


  1. It has arrived, waiting for tomorrow's scenes, they will be white on white!!! Greetings from Jean.p.s. lovely photo of those big white flakes plopping down.

  2. We had snow all day here, it's stopped now. Yesterday was an ice storm. Very messy. Good luck.

  3. Wow! That's a lot of snow in a short period of time. Your pictures really captured the storm well. Glad I'm here, where we finally got above single digits... and actually got above freezing!

  4. Wow!!! Looks like a ton of snow in a short period. Can't wait to see the pictures tomorrow! I am hooooping we get a big storm on Saturday!

  5. Bad weather is bad weather , but at least the storm began at the end :)

  6. That looks wicked! I hope you all stay safe and warm.

    We have had light snow here and below zero temps.

    If it warms up to 10 it will feel like summer.

  7. I can confirm that we had the very same snow. Driving home from the city at 9 pm white knuckled. Today is a bright and sunny crisp winter day!


  8. What a beautiful ending to a wonderful day!!!!...:)JP

  9. Looks like a BLIZZARD!! Enjoy and stay warm :)


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