Monday, December 9, 2013

Soup Weather

It was sort of dark all day, but the temperature went up to 40 (while my friends at Oak Creek Ranch in California have many inches of snow and experienced some single digit temperatures).  Frozen pipes are no fun!

Got these flowers at least two weeks ago at Wegmans for 4 bucks, and they are still hanging in there.  It keeps a bright spot in our kitchen.

 I did go grocery shopping today but took it easy this afternoon.  Gary had Finn and Coop duty and I sat by the fire and watched a movie.  Since we got streaming, I have been taking advantage of too many films.

 I made a pot of soup for dinner.

It was so dark by 4:30 I thought it was chore time.  Went out and picked the paddock while I could still see and tucked the girls in.  Maggie's knee seems to be doing much better.

 I checked Berlin for hives under her blanket today....nothing.  Good news.

 and Phoebe kept me company tonight.

A Saint Tim Salad for dinner.  Mixed greens, onion, mango, craisins, almonds and goat cheese.
 The soup....I sauteed onion, carrots, celery and cabbage...added a little chicken stock and a bag of our tomato sauce....let it simmer for awhile, then added barley.  Salt, pepper, a shot of vinegar and a shot of brown that with the cabbage.  Also had some nice bread with it.
 Winter is going to return tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. Soup and chili for us here too. Down in the teens and twenties, at night, for us. Unusual!

  2. Dinner sounds great. What have some of your favorite netflix finds been? When I first got Barbie I watched every documentary on netflix I think. Haha she would need to go out at 3 or 4 and I couldn't get back to sleep. So weird with the cold in California isn't it? Freaking me out a little bit.


    ALOHA to YOU
    from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

  4. We will be in the teens again tonight but should be back to "normal" weather by Wednesday. ...and even better, the well guys come tomorrow morning so hoping to get water back by the time I get home from work.

  5. The only time I get cold in Tanzania, is during summer! After a heavy downpour, like we had last night, the day dawns grey and overcast. So I don my trackie top. I know it's nothing like your cold! I also enjoy soup on a day like this. I'm baking my weekly loaf of brown bread right now and will enjoy a slice with a cup of soup (brought in from SA) Hope you're having a great day. Jo


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