Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ice Is Not Nice

What a mess we woke up to.

 Not only that, the big pasture was totally flooded.
 Waited awhile to put the girls in their respective areas as the ice in the front paddock was not melting.

A little before 11, Randy braved driving to the farm to make korv (Swedish sausage).

 Before noon they sampled a shot of Willett!! (Kentucky Bourban brought to us by our good friends at Equinox Farm) and then really got into it.
 These two Swedes having been doing this for decades.

 Jenny and Scott stopped up with a cheese kuchen and supervised.

 To really get into the spirit of things, Gary dug out his Viking Hat (given to him by Louise and Jack many Christmases ago).
 Jack (it's a long story), I mean Scott....had to try it on.
 Jenny too.
 Gary worked much better when he was wearing it.
 We took a lunch break...

 then packaged the sausage.  We will prepare a lot of it for Christmas Eve.
 Did chores a little early again.  By 4 the temperature finally hit the mid 30s and it was melting like crazy.  At least I did not have to walk on marbles to get to the barn.

 Back in the house for some chili that I took out of the freezer...did not even think to take a picture.

Sidney was very intrigued by some lights.

Time to go watch a movie.
Night all.


  1. Sidney's a beautiful kitty. I'm intrigued by lights too. I love them, especially at Christmastime. I love the Viking hat. Talk about getting into the spirit of things. :) As always, wonderful pictures of your magnificent girls!

  2. Cats really do like Christmas. The ice always looks nice but so damaging. The sausage looks great!

  3. Love the Viking hat! It's a must while cooking I'd say.

    You wouldn't believe it but it was almost seventy today, very foggy and all our snow melted. Feel bad for you with the ice. We had that last week and it was like a skating pond out there.

  4. NO!! Not the Willow! I go back through your posts now and then just to find photos of it! Perhaps by spring and then summer it will recover.

  5. Cute pic of your kitty love all of your animals. Wishing you and your family a fabulous Christmas Happy Holidays!


  6. Is this like " Wind in the Willows"!! What a mess to clean up, marbles galore by the look of your photos, and super food, Gary, that hat suits you to a Viking T. Take care, everyone,if tomorrow is like today. Greetings from Jean

  7. What a mess that ice made of your beautiful willow. So nice that the girls can be under that underhang when the weather is nasty. You can link to the apricot bread recipe in the label section of my blog. I posted the recipe Dec 13, 2011.

  8. What a shame the tree got so badly damaged. Hope your flooded paddock is drying out, that's a lot of water!

  9. Go SWEDES!! I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, just because Christmas has a way of making me homesick. Where in the world did you get those viking hats?

    I actually woke up thinking about you because your blog is missing from my reading list. I'm taking time off to fix a few blogging issues. And then I found your comment.

    Anyway, sorry I haven't been by for a while and sorry about that ice storm. A mess no one ever needs and certainly not for the holidays. Thanks for stopping by, it was great to hear from you and great to see the Swedes and the korv! God Jul, Merry Christmas to you and your Swedes!

  10. Forgot: What brought tears to my eyes was not the korv, of course it was not the korv, it was the Advent Star in your header. When I lived in Sweden, everyone had a star like that in their window, the entire city was lit up by these stars at night. Just lovely, thanks for bringing back the beauty of traditions and for honoring those that went before and brought them to this country.

  11. Hi Lori. I liked that sentence regarding the ice- "like walking on marbles to get to the barn." Very expressive!


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