Saturday, November 9, 2013

It's a Long Story

 Not the most beautiful morning.  It rained off and on until 10:30.
 After chores, Karen rode Angel...once again, she was a very good girl.

Went to drumming this afternoon.  Some of our exercises have been getting a little easier, and our youngest community participant is dazzling us on the three bass drums.  What a quick study.

When I got home it was time for the pasture switch.

 By that time, Moon, Abbe and Berlin are usually in the front paddock, so I put up my white tape gate and it's easy to give Angel and Maggie a chance to eat more grass.
 Unfortunately, it looks like Berlin has some hives coming on....maybe it's the dead worms.  They say it could take a week to get through this.  So far she has had no dex and is not acting itchy.  All of our horses have had clean fecals for years...too bad threadworms don't show up.  Who knows, maybe it's something else.  I am going to call Cornell on Monday.
 By the time I tucked them in, it was dark.

 No dinner tonight, as we attended an event at the Library.

It's a fundraiser and is well attended by the community.
 Madonna (who was the interim Library Director until this past week when the new librarian took over) greeted us.
 There were food and wine pairings throughout the library.

 Boy was it good!

 Through these windows is the teen section, which is set up with booths.

 Entertainment was provided by the Dady Brothers...very popular in this area.

 In the Children's section they had tables full of sweets, coffee and tea.

 Over 30 baskets were donated by local merchants and individuals....jammed with goodies.  I wonder who ended up with what.

 Below is Widget...a therapy dog that spends many hours at the library.
 We are fortunate to have such a beautiful library and all of these people are so supportive.

 I was so tired, we left by 9:30.

Not easy to drag Gary away from Topper.
 Night all.


  1. A wonderful community, and super venue, food and company. Poor Berlin, I do hope you get to the bottom of it ( no pun intended!1) very , very soon. All we need is a photo of you and Gary together at an outing, dressed in finery of course!! Greetings from Jean

  2. How wonderful to keep the love of books and reading alive in your community. Especially for the youngsters. I agree with Jean, where is the pic of you and Gary? Great post and oh yes, I LOVE the horses, especially the one with Seymour. Have a great day. Jo

  3. Wow! This looks like a wonderful library function!

  4. I love libraries. The aroma of books just takes me away. I often vow that I am going to make more frequent trips just to browse through books and read magazines. I don't do it, though.
    What a beautiful library you have. The food at the fundraiser sure looked good!

  5. Those appetizers look delish! Keep us posted on those hives. Hope this is their last hurrah on the way out -- for good.


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