Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Here It Comes...

 It's funny, this morning it was grey, quiet and seemed so much warmer.  The high was in the mid 30s as the day went on.  Very comfortable in the barn.

About these beads....I am starting to prepare for a Moroccan Dinner that is going to be held here on December 7th.  The Art & Aesthetics Committee, that I am part of, auctioned it off at a fundraiser we held to raise money for a piece of public art.  This will be our 4th dinner and will be served to members of the art department at the College at Brockport.  We want it to look like the Casbah, and have one amazing 5 course meal planned.  Between the main course and dessert I am going to have them participate in some African drumming.  There will be lots of pictures.

Class today.  Just Gucci, Lais and Tina.

After lunch I went to Wegmans as there were a couple more items needed for Thursday.  While there, it started to snow right on cue.

 Gucci and Phoebe went with me.
 We should get plenty of white stuff tonight and tomorrow....enough to ruin some travel plans.

 Fortunately the ponies survived the first real snow with no problem.

 I'll bet we are going to have to do some serious shoveling in the morning.

When I got back in the house, Sophie was relaxing on the couch.  Have to watch her every minute as she thinks it's ok to pee in here.  There two litter boxes in the basement along with beds and pillows under the hot water pipes (can go outside whenever they want) but I don't have litter boxes in the house.  Sidney and Seymour are very good and they are all able to come in and out.
 Had no good plan for dinner so I quickly thawed out some meatloaf I made awhile ago and we had one basic/quick meal.  Fortunately it tasted good...looks institutional....ha ha.  Just one of those days.
Night all.


  1. The snow looks really pretty. Hope it didn't cause problems. Your dogs are precious.

  2. Don't look now, winter's just around the corner! It really is beautiful isn't it? Your horses all look so content and cozy...so nice.
    Hope your Thanksgiving is a memorable one!!

  3. That looks like mighty cold to me, hope the girls all keep cosy, all felines behave as they should!! Dinner from "ready to serve" sounds so good to me. Greetings to all, Jean.

  4. I hope everyone is safe in the snow. The predictions looked like you were going to get a lot of it - far more than we get in one storm.
    Stay warm!
    Your auctioned-off dinner sounds like great fun!


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