Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Heavy Lifting

 We were up and shoveling by 6:45.  Wet snow.

 Karen was not here this morning, and Lorrie helped me shovel part of the front paddock in addition to cleaning Maggie and Angel's stalls.  No need for a workout at Agape today.
 It was around 31 degrees or so and the Florida Babes seemed ok with it.

 Thank you Lorrie, for all the extra work you did today.

I did not accomplish much after chores....did not even read.  However, I managed to set up streaming Netflix.  Boy, I did not know what I was missing.

Moon has not been in many pictures lately, so she is the only one I took a picture of tonight.  I still feel sorry for her in a separate turnout, but it is much more peaceful.
 We had a great but simple dinner tonight.
 Sweet potatoes, baked organic chicken with caramelized onions and a mixed green salad with apples, craisins and slivered almonds.
 Have the table set for tomorrow.  We are going to have a very late dinner.

Make sure you include a lot of thanks in your thanksgiving.
Night all.


  1. Your snow is beautiful--Nothing here but wind and cold!!

    But I hope you have a wonderful and enjoyable Thanksgiving!!!

  2. We had about two inches at the farm yesterday. Glad I'm in Florida and didn't have to deal with it this time. I'm sure there will be more in the future though.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you! We might get a little snow next week but nothing like you got.

  4. Love these pictures of the snow! Can't believe you have so much, although I'm guessing as you say it was wet snow, that perhaps it won't last for long?

  5. Snow ~~ now I remember what I had forgotten from last winter ~~ so beautiful though. Now I want to make your salad and main course, love this kind of food!!



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