Saturday, November 2, 2013

Good Causes

What's with all the extreme weather?  Can't it just rain a little bit without flooding the outdoor arena?
 What a mud hole.
 Karen rode Maggie for the first time today.  She used my Tristan dressage saddle and a Florida it was all about jumping.  Quite a change and they both were great.

After chores I decided to make a dessert that was on FB.  Had all the simple.
Eggs, sugar, flour, oil, baking soda, cinnamon and apples.
One batch made 2 pie plates...yum.

At 2 I went to an Open House at the Double G Ranch.  My first time to view the facility in person.  Purple Pony (a therapeutic riding program) has now moved there and it was a perfect opportunity to combine that with viewing the ranch as a whole.
 Too bad it was pouring.
 Remember Belle, who used to live here?  She now belongs to the daughter (around 6) of the Ranch owners and they can walk, trot and canter with the best of them.  Belle, now Bella, looks terrific.

 I think the volunteers, who are part of Purple Pony, will love it here.
 There were at least 100 people there when I arrived and they fed all of us very well.
 This is Sharon.  She and her husband Mat have been so thoughtful in the way they set things up.
They give lessons, board and she also trains.


When I got back to the farm it was still raining, so the girls got tucked in early.  Snow is supposed to appear tomorrow.

 And that's not all.
Tonight we went over to the Elk's Club to support a group of people who are fighting to keep a local park the way it has been for many years....the proposed changes have brought about a great deal of concern for park neighbors and people who go there regularly.
 It was a fund raiser...
 and they had music...

 Gary actually won two things.
 They have a website and tonight they showed some of the photos and quotes....
 Very appropriate.
 It's nice to see people doing something about a cause that means something to the entire community.
Night all.


  1. You're right about this crazy weather, and a good cause, I hope their voices are heard!

  2. Those are the kinda days I remember from my experience in your area! Yuck! But, life goes on! It was nice to see the stables and the Elk's Club fund raiser. Oh... we have Double T stables across the street from us! They also have a therapeutic program, only on Saturdays, and they board and offer lessons now and then. Some days I think about taking some lessons or getting to now some of the boarders who may have a nice, quiet horse who needs some exercise now and then ;-)
    Stay warm - I hope your predication of snow is incorrect!

  3. Snow?! Throw a few more logs on the fire.

  4. Looks like a fun day despite the ran. My cousin in Michigan would enjoy stopping by, she lives for her horsies


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