Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Where Have all the Flowers Gone?

 Seeing that it was 25 degrees this morning, every posie except for a couple sunflowers, bit the dust.
 We had a very major frost.

 Even tho the sun came out there was still a chill in the air.  
Too cold to heat the studio, so class was in the house and I forgot to take pictures.
Tina brought back all of the student work from our show in Albion.

 Gary had an appointment in Rochester this afternoon, so I met Finn and Coop after school.  Their house is ready for Halloween.

 While I was there I sauteed up some peppers for Jen to freeze.

 Switched pastures when I got home and tucked the girls in around 6.

 Dinner was delish.
 Grilled chicken, sweet potatoes, roasted beets and a pear salad.
Night all.


  1. Wow, you really were cold this morning! Warmer here so far and I've got some roses left and a few hardy flowers.

    Love the Halloween decorations. Very spooky.

  2. We've had frost the past two mornings, but not as cold temps as you're having. I have to admit I'm glad to see the frost, it's killing off those darn stink-bugs! :-) Delicious dinner too--Ours was courtesy of Wegmans tonight, can't beat it when you're in a hurry!

    Take care, and stay warm!

  3. Horsies are beautiful. It sure is cold

  4. We've had some hard frosts too. Yesterday though was nice! It was cold and windy but the temps were in the low 40's.
    We got into the high 50's for a small bit.

    Love the frost photos. Time to buy flowers to put on the table to remind us why we put up with winter!

  5. Yep. It is officially the end of the flowers when your horses get their costs on. I often wonder if they balk at the coat the first time in the fall or if they welcome it.

  6. Ooh - that photo of the light coming in through the barn - wow! Love it.


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