Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today It's All About The Sunset...

 Although it started out in the 30s this morning, we ended up in the mid-50s.
 Off came the blankets after I got home from chorus.
 We had a very good rehearsal.
 Picked apples for some friends.  That tree just keeps on giving us bushel after bushel and they are all organic.
 Of course all the girls had to roll their brains out this afternoon.

 And guess who started popping out some hives this far not as bad as usual, and she had her 2 dex dose with breakfast.  What the heck.  Tonight I gave her the antihistamines (which she has not gotten in over a week) and we shall see if they make a difference.

 At 5 we went into Brockport to attend calling hours for a family friend.
 The sky was sending a message as we were leaving.

The ponies were ready for dinner when we got home.

Ours was pretty simple.  Thawed out some leek soup and had a PB&J sandwich on the side.
Night all.


  1. Same weather here but no awesome sunset. Cheese, apples and wine in front of the fire for dinner.

  2. Thanks Sweetie, She Such A Nice Comment Today!

    Gorgeous Skies! Things Look Good There...And, There Is A New Bay Horse Face...BoY, Do I Have Back Reading!

    See You Soon!
    Kacy With WA Mare

  3. Beautiful trails in the sky, a perfect setting after your visit. Fond greetings, Jean.


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