Friday, October 11, 2013

Random 5 Friday

This is the first time I have participated in Random 5 goes.

1.  I started my Journal in February of 2007 and have not missed one day of posting.  Can't say enough about the people I have met from all over the world.  I communicate with a few of them very regularly and feel like they are truly friends.  So far I have met 5 of them in person and would love to meet more.

2. After retiring in 1999 (Art Teacher), I started teaching at home.  This used to be a pool house and when we filled it in our pool, it became my studio.  Currently all of my students are also retired and it is a pure pleasure to work with them.

3.  We have lived here at Skoog Farm for 32 years, and I am a lover of horses, dogs and even the cats that were left here when we moved in.  No sleeping in for me.

4.  Several years ago I started African Drumming.  We are fortunate to have an African Dancing and Drumming Ensemble (Sankofa) at the State University of New York College at Brockport, and every Saturday during the school year there is open drumming led by the musical director of this group (free).  When we are in a groove, there is nothing like the feeling it gives you.  Especially when there are 15 or 20 participants.

5.  I am a very busy person and never go anywhere without my camera, averaging 50-75 pictures everyday, starting with sunrise.
Especially interested in grabbing shots of my animals, local architecture, flowers, friends, family, food (love to cook) and more.

I look forward to learning more about all of you.
To see other Random 5 posts, click here

If you are interested in seeing what I do, today's post is below.


  1. It's always a pleasure to read your posts and see the beautiful pictures you take everyday! I can't believe how much you manage to fit into each day.

  2. Oh Lori I had no idea you have done this since 2007 I wish I had of known you back then but am so happy I found you when I did. I admire your blogging commitment. I love your photos and would certainly love to meet you as you have become such a wonderful supportive friend I have yet to meet. Great random 5 Lori. Its a great start I like it here. Hug B

  3. I'm so glad you joined in this week Lori -- I knew some of these facts about you, but not all -- so nice to learn more about you. I hope you come back and visit R5F again soon. Thank you.

  4. Loved learning about your life and blogging/photographing. Nice to meet ya♫ Mine:

  5. Love your random recap. . . it captures so much so succinctly . . . and you surely deserve an award for the photo-a-day for six years!

  6. Your blog brings me great peace even after a crazy day with family, customers or critters. You get me. I get you. Thanks so much for sharing it all!!!!

  7. Love the photos! New follower from Random 5 Friday!


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