Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Get 'er Done...

 A crisp and bright start to the day.
 After chores Karen came up to help me with some fence work.  Her horses will be moving up from Florida shortly, so we are putting up one strand of electric on the inside of our 3 board fence to make sure we've got things covered.  Unfortunately there were tons of vines in the back pasture that covered the it making it look like a steeplechase jump.  It was very beautiful, but we spent a few hours getting it all down.  Fortunately Gary came to our rescue.

I traded my neighbor Paula some peaches and nectarines....
 for eggs (which she supplies me with regularly).
 Finnegan was chowing in the pasture....
her rooster posed for me.

Many years ago I made this banner for the indoor.  After it came down from the rafters, I started hanging it on the porch.

Picked up this recipe on FB and made it for dinner tonight.
Happened to have all the ingredients.
Suggestion tho...I would forget the crock pot and just stir fry it the next time.

Just after I started it, some friends came up for some veggies etc.

 Some of that kale is going into smoothies for the next few days.
We really enjoying sharing our garden with friends and have given away many bushels.

 Evening chores a little after 5.  The girls sure like having a couple of hours to eat and snooze in their stalls before getting turned out for the night.

 No boot or soak for Berlin today.  She seems to be doing much better.
 Dinner was yummy.  Chicken and cashews over rice...
 with a nectarine and peach on the side.
That's it for now.  Another hay delivery tomorrow morning.
Night all.


  1. I may have to try the recipe. It does sound good.

  2. That recipe sounds so good! Love that you share the garden bounty. Also love the photo of the horse peaking over the stall

  3. So many intensely colorful and vivid scenes from today!

  4. A truly beautiful day, flowers and veges, a real treat. Cheers from Jean

  5. Oh your images and your wonderful generosity for sharing make my day. Hug B

  6. What great light in those morning pics! And the food, yum as usual . . . mmmmm.


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