Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Cool It!

Today it felt like fall had arrived, and I loved it.  Ended up needing to wear sweats this afternoon.

 Berlin seemed to be doing a little better today...will soak her again tomorrow morning.
 Lorrie, Elizabeth and Moon came over to the studio at the end of the lesson so Tina could see her.  Tomorrow she and Sandman will have a session with Elizabeth.

 On Friday the 6th, my students will have an art opening at Marti's On Main in Albion from 5:30 to 9.  It is going to be a very busy day for me starting at 2pm.

Seeing that the refrigerator Scott and Gary struggled with yesterday did not work out, we bought a new small chest freezer.  While we were at Lowes picking it out we ran into our friend Randy, who came up and helped Gary move the frig out and the freezer in.  Perfect timing. I call them the Swedish Movers.

 Evening chores....

 then off to pick up some peaches and nectarines.  The fruit trees in this area are absolutely loaded this year, to the point where branches are breaking off from the weight.
 I see a peach or nectarine pie in our near future.  Annette, I wish you were here so we could mass produce some goodies.

 It was almost dark by the time we ate.  Gary made us some veggie burgers while I let the girls out....
 and I put together a quick salad...romaine, pears, apples, craisins and crumbly blue.
 Love those grilled onions.
Time for a shower and passing out.
Night all.


  1. Are we on the same page again or what? Salad tonight with pear, apple, dried cranberries, almonds and crumbled blue. I have a basket of nectarines and peaches on the counter -- I've been thinking cobbler. What fun we would have baking together!

  2. Oh I can imagine you and Annette working away and the smells coming from the kitchen are wonderful.Oh you both made me hungry:) Hug B

  3. Mmmm... I think I need to have grilled onions tonight, too!
    That first night cuddled by a sweatshirt and pants is such a refreshing change from the heat. Out here, we often have sweatshirt nights, so it isn't such a big deal!

  4. What kind of veggie burgers do you use?


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