Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Crazy Weather

Woke up to thunder, lightning and heavy rain a little after 6am.  Threw on some clothes and headed out to the barn so I could make sure the horses were in a nice safe spot.  Wouldn't you know they were standing out in the downpour.

 Fed them grain and kept them in until Lorrie came to do chores.

 Moon had her morning workout and my girls did the usual.

Class at 10:30.

I have been giving peaches away almost everyday and used up the last few today...made peach betty.
 By 1 it was so hot and muggy (over 90) I took pity on the horses and put them in the barn for the afternoon.  Humidity=bugs.

At 2 I had an appointment with the massage therapist....hot stones....yes!

Going back outside was a drag.

Home around 4:30 and the house was filled with light.
 Fed the horses and let them out around 6. 
 Giving them 2 hours of pasture time.

 Dinner....a cucumber, red pepper, tomato, avacado and onion salad
 with leftover pasta.
Yuck!  Tomorrow is supposed to be the same as today.  All of you who live in this kind of heat have my deepest sympathies.  It saps all my energy and puts it in the toilet.
Night all.


  1. I've never noticed your woodstove painted red. I love it. That tiger is gorgeous...looks like a stained glass window. Yes horribly hot here today too. 90+ with June humidity. Shiny black Barbie was none too pleased she wasn't allowed to run around too much outside! Poor thing heats up so quickly.

  2. Lovely photo framed by the barn doors, hope the humid days are soon gone, Cheers, Jean.

  3. Beautiful light, beautiful food, ahhh. That heat arrives here today. Ick. xx

  4. Oh my-that sounds challenging. We have heat but no humidity...must be energy draining! Interesting to have the ponies in the barn to escape the bugs-what a good idea! Are you normally this buggy and humid? Sending lots of scritches to all!


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