Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Last night the moon was gorgeous, but without a tripod I could not get a crisp shot.  Too late to add to my post.

This morning the sun was brilliant.

 The girls had breakfast and did their thing.

 I had Gary pick some tomatoes so I could make sauce and he brought in over half a bushel....plenty.
 The onions he grew are perfect.

Around 4 Barb and Mike arrived in their little motor home.  They will spend the night and head up to the Adirondacks tomorrow, where they will me all their kids and grandkids.
 Lorie was kind enough to do chores and had a hay delivery.  I checked it out and ordered some.

 Gary and Mike went down to the Rec Center to pick up Finn, Coop and their neighbor Joe.
 Cooper showed Joe around the farm.

After morning chores I mowed the big pastures...looks much better.
 Jenny picked up the boys around 5:30....

 then we went down to the Stoneyard for dinner.

 After that, we needed a little walk.

 The temperature was perfect and it was very peaceful by the canal.

 When we got home I tried to get another good moon shot, but once again it was a bust.

 After a pretty hot day, the horses were happy for the cool evening.

Time to rest.
Night all.


  1. Gorgeous moon. It lit up the entire ocean this morning. Oh boy you always make us hungry
    Benny & Lily

  2. We finally got a cool evening here. So tired of temps pushing 100F. Ready for fall! The canal sure looks beautiful. Perfect for a stroll.

  3. Oh beautiful shots Lori the moon is enchanting. What a beautiful life you have. Enjoy your day. Hug B

  4. Gorgeous shot of the moon! One day I aspire to successfully photograph the moon haha


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