Thursday, July 4, 2013

The 4th of July Brockport Style

The day started out with rain....was the 4th of July Celebration going to be on or off?

After chores Gary and I attacked the upstairs in preparation for Ariana's arrival tomorrow night.  Can't wait to have her here for the next 6 weeks.

Gradually, the rain let up and by noon we got down to the Morgan Manning House, where this event has been held for decades. The first person I ran into was my favorite model, Mary Pat.  I'm going to miss taking her picture when she moves this month.

 The place was packed and the humidity was building up...I was very impressed with the turnout after the rainy start.

 This is Brockport's Community Big Band.  They just finished playing at the Rochester International Jazz Festival and we are lucky to have such amazing talent in our village.
(The ground was so wet from all the rain they had to move to the parking lot).

 Every year they have a "cake walk."  Do you know what that is?  Coop managed to get in.

 We left before it was over, but I know that if they won a cake, we would be eating it.

The sky was fantabulous when we got home.  I was so hot I changed my clothes and sat in front of the fan with my book.  Ended up taking one serious nap.

The ponies were very agitated by the humidity and bugs and were very happy to go in for grain.

I have finally cooled off and will go out now to tuck the girls in.
Night all.

The beat goes on.


  1. Happy 4th to you! I took a nap this afternoon. Heat + humidity just wipes me out.

  2. A wonderful way to be together with friends, family, and great food too. Your header flower, is that a hollyhock? Beautiful photo. Take care in the hot days, Greetings from Jean.

  3. Oh lucky girl six weeks with you to enjoy your exciting but peaceful daily life I am a little jealous. Looks like you had a great 4th of July. Hug B

  4. Dear Lori, Brockport indeed has a lot to be proud of. That band was wonderful. I wish I could have heard more. And all the photographs show a group of people enjoying life together in a community that seems to support one another's members. Thank for the fireworks also! The display last night here in Independence (Truman's home town) was the best I've ever seen. The finale had us cheering and clapping and laughing, amazed at the volume of sound and the lights. Peace.

  5. Thanks for the fireworks. The only fireworks seen on the Hillside was on your blog. We have had over 2 inches of rain in last 24 hours. We celebrated the 4th at the Equinox farm with a cook in. After our veggie burgers we had home made ice cream. By the way National Ice Day is 21th. We have a new recipe will make when you get to KY.

  6. Happeee belated 4th -- you give us such a great recap.
    Hot hot hot and buggy muggy here in Maine, too. Ewww.

  7. I can't imagine your village without Mary Pat... you always have her in your gatherings.

    I'm glad the rain moved on so you could enjoy the 4th. Warm enough for t-shirts = fantastic!!


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