Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sweatin' With The Oldies....

Around 11pm last night we went to the Buffalo Airport to pick up Ariana.  Her flight did not get in until after midnight and we did not get to bed until after 2:30.  Boy, am I tired.

 Lots of chatter on the way home.

I hardly got 4 hours of sleep so chores did not seem all that exciting this morning.

 I dropped Ariana off at Jenny's and went to Wegmans.  Had all kinds of good intentions for relaxing and staying cool.  The humidity is doing a number on me.
Gary went to Art Park with our friend Bill Stewart for the day and had a great time.  I worked out in the studio for awhile and set up Ariana's bedroom so Coop and Finn would have a place to sleep tonight.  Fortunately we have an old air conditioner up there.

Chores early...the horses were so sweaty I left them in their stalls while I was gone.

I was going to Jenny's for dinner, but the plans changed and we went to her neighbors for an absolute pizza blowout.  There must have been 7 different kinds.  Jenny made this one.

 The kids had a great time in the pool.

 Got home by 8 and let the girls back out.  Picked the stalls and could not wait to get in front of a fan.

 Gary, Ariana, Finn and Coop played a little ball until the mosquitos came out in force.

I am totally ready to crash.
Night all.

Brett and Annette...I hope you are at Oak Creek with your ponies and have taken lots of pictures.


  1. How lovely for you to have the youngsters home. We have Ruth and her two girls here for a flying visit (four day) and it's lovely to see them.

  2. Even in this heat and humidity the kids always manage to have a good time. How come they never seem to mind mind the heat? I hope this breaks soon.

  3. Brett didn't get back to Aspen Meadows until 2:30am last night/this morning. --and he was up early getting things done before the movers arrived to load the truck. Ay yi yi, these late nights are for the birds!


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