Monday, July 15, 2013


 Ugmo muggy again.  The girls survived being out all night and once it heated up they wanted to be inside by the fan.

 After chores Ariana and I headed down to Christina's World for a swim.  On the way we stopped at Judy's and picked up her granddaughters.  Took a chance that they were available and it worked out well.

 Roger came out to the pool to meet everyone and asked us if we would like lunch!
 A 5 star meal.  Thank you Roger, it was delicious.

 Tina came out for a swim just as we were leaving.  I love her towel.

 Dropped Ariana off at Jenny's and got home around 2.
Gary started painting some of the trim on the barn.  It really adds a little zip.
 Spent the afternoon in front of a fan and did chores around 5.

 Ate dinner early as we were planning on going to a softball game tonight.  Ariana was invited to play on Uncle Bimpa's co-ed team until she goes back home.  Looked forward to seeing her on first base but the high temperatures caused the game to be cancelled.  Next time.
 Just before we ate, Judy brought up a rhubarb pie....
 some drinks and a cookbook!  How sweet was that????
I see more water in my future.
Night all.


  1. The white trim looks fabulous with the paint!! Christina's World looks like a nice place to spend the day!

  2. That pool looks so good on a hot day, here we had ZERO Celsius early this morning. Lovely to have family in the hols, I'm sure Ariana is having a great time too. Greetings from Jean

  3. That rhubarb pie looks ot die for!
    Your pictures are gorgeous.

  4. That pool looks so inviting !

  5. My, the pool looks wonderful! Today wasn't too bad here, but yesterday got to around 100. The humidity has been high this year, for our high desert, and getting hay cured is taking longer than usual.
    I always love your photos and the flowers in particular. Am going back to the lily to try a quick sketch.


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