Tuesday, July 16, 2013

91 and 91

Do you remember the horse from across the street?  Finnegan?
About 5:30 am the dogs were signaling that something was in the area.  It smelled like skunk so I did not think too much of it.  At 6 a car pulled in our driveway and asked if we had a horse as it was in the lane right near the road.  Guess who.  Gucci and Phoebe were trying to tell me and I didn't get the message.  In my nightgown I went to the barn and got a lead rope....closed the side door to the indoor so my horses would not go in (stayed out all night) and opened the front gate so I could get Finnegan in there.  Where was he?  Talking to Abbe over the fence.  Fortunately he had on a halter and went right with me.  Once I closed the gate I called his owner.  Ended up keeping him here until she got home from work and could fix his fence.  He behaved himself.
 Fed the girls and turned them back out.  Same old same old...hanging in the run-in.

 Shredded some paper and took a shower before my class.  Just Tina and Jean today...both have made great progress.

 Next on the agenda was cooling off over in Christina's world.  That's where the 91 and 91 comes into play.  The air and water temperatures were the same.

Finished reading my book when I got back to the farm.
Chores at 5...

 Back in the house for a simple dinner.

Beans and franks with a Saint Tim Salad.

Put the girls back out at 8:30....still very muggy.

 Night all.


  1. Nice of you to keep 'Finnegan the stray' until he could go home!

    And I really love your great pool photos!! Everyone was really having a great time--It's where I'd love to hang out, especially in the weather we are having too!!

    Enjoy the rest of your evening, and your lovely flowers!! :-)

  2. That salad looks yummy and refreshing. 91 is a bit warm for the water for me. I like it around 82.

  3. Weee! Everyone into the poooool! hee hee.

  4. I forget how beautiful your blog is. And your "simple dinner" made my mouth water! fabulous work, Lori!!

  5. Yikes! My first thought, because of the haze, was fire. Whew!

    BTW, Auntie Reg tricked Saint Tim into eating a pasta salad with some vinegar and oil dressing ;-). Shhhhhh...

  6. Oooh Sara you better hope he's not checking in on the blogs today! Haha. How nice Finn wanted to come over for a play date!


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