Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ponies, Pitching and Wishing I Was In A Pool...

It really is summer here in River City.  Near 90 and muggy today.
 The girls headed for the indoor by 8:30, where there is a good breeze.

 Finn and Coop both had games today.  I went to Churchville with Jen to catch more shots of Finn.
 It was in the mid 80s before noon.
 I've decided there is a lot of pressure on the pitcher.  Give Finn a lot of credit for stickin' to it.

 Today he had hits, scored runs, threw people out and pitched.  They are only allowed to pitch 3 innings....played 1st base after that.

 The coach is positive and very supportive....the kids have matured so much.  I respect good sportsmanship and they have it.  No attitude if they strike out or miss a ball.  Refreshing.
 On the way home I checked out some hay that we will be getting tomorrow.  Green and dry.
When I got here I was soooo hot.  Fortunately our house was very cool (even tho we don't have air conditioning) and I opted to rest and read.  Never made it to the reading part and felt like crapola when I woke up.

Out a little after 5 to feed the girls and put their fan on.

More blossoms.
I'm not cookin' .
Night all.


  1. Wow, hard to realise how hot it is with you, and so cold down south here. Lovely video, and great play. Is that a clematis flower? Cheers from Jean.

  2. I know I've said it before, but the boys are really growing up!
    It's hot here too, but dry dry dry.

  3. Another full and fun day!! It's refreshing to hear the "attitude" of the coach and others at the baseball game! So many could and should follow that example!!

  4. Hi, I've just discovered your beautiful blog and will be a frequent visitor. You live in a gorgeous part of the country and are so fortunate to have horses. My dearest friend has a couple; used to have many more.

    I've been inspired by you and your friends doing all that you do.

  5. Little League games were always fun for us. My son played and my husband coached for years. Like the positive supporting attitude of the coaches. Glad he had a good game.

    It's getting hot here too. The heat really takes it out of you doesn't it.

  6. These horses are wearing what I suppose to be "fly nets" over their faces and eyes? They used to have a harness with long lines of leather that almost hit the ground and those were worn in the barns but not outside and they were called fly nets. I don't recall ever seeing them just for the eyes, but it is a great idea as the horses are really bothered by flys that bite. And I am not fond of people who cut horses tails off. They make good use of them swatting flies. Maybe not good for showing but sure good for keeping flys off. LOL

  7. Glad to hear there is a positive coach involved. Always important.

  8. I was a pitcher for 20 years and pretty much the game doesn't happen if you can't do your job so yes, hats off to Finn.


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