Monday, June 24, 2013

One Thing After Another....

Once again I am starting with last night.  At 11:30 I went out to grab some shots of the moon.

 This morning the sun woke me up again.
 Lorrie and I finished up chores early and she took Moon over to the indoor....
 Abbe and Berlin chose to stay inside by the fan.
 A little before 9 Gordy B. showed up to rototill the rings.  All that standing water from the first two weeks of June had made it a mess with lots of weeds and grass poking through.

 What an improvement.
 Afterward, he and Gary were discussing the big the zucchini plants are already....
blah, blah, blah.
 I think it's our all time best kept garden so far (and we've been here over 31 years).
 Then, I hung out a load of laundry.  Are there any of you who still do this?
 I just got back to the house to cool off when Jerry and Kim brought a load of hay.
 The best so far.  Green and fine.
 By then I was roasting and decided to go over to Christina's World....
 to jump in the pool.  It felt GREAT!!!!  Thank you Roger and Tina.
 All was quiet on the Erie Canal when I drove over the bridge to go home.
 I made a quick stop at Wegmans and took advantage of my "coolness" when I got home.
First I made a jar of cucumber and onion fresh pickles.
 Then I worked on some macaroni salad.

 Mixed a small plain yogurt with some mayo for the dressing (dill weed, salt and pepper).
 Took a break to read and nap (becoming my hot afternoon ritual),
then started on the rest of the dinner.  Par boiled some Italian sausage (which Gary grilled while I went out to do chores) and fried up some peppers, onions and tomatoes.

 It's a good thing there was a breeze today, cause it was very hot again.

Chowed early and Gary went down to the Town Park to watch Finn's last regular game of the season.  I asked him to take my camera so Jen could take photos for me and he left without it.  Holding out for some shots taken with her phone.  Let's see if I get any.

I got 5 photos and they won't upload!  What the heck.
Night all.


  1. I almost moved to Mérida, Mexico and was most looking forward to a culture where a siesta on a hot day was accepted! I think you're progressive...siesta in New York!

  2. 5 that won't upload and 9 MILLION that will. My, My. hahahahahaha

    Those first few are sooooooo Sleepy Hollowish!

  3. I still hang laundry. Well, mine. St. Tim, no. He's complicated ;-).

  4. Oh, that pool looks gooooood and refreshing! Want to hang laundry out but still too much pollen in the air. Ah-choo! And oh, your macc. salad -- now I have to make some cuz yours looks sooooo good.

  5. It'd be fabulous to jump into a pool!
    Does Moon get sweaty under that blue mask? I thought about that style for Paj, but finally decided to stick with what he's got.

  6. Those moon shots were better than any I saw on the internet.

  7. That salad looked wonderful. I've got to make tasty stuff like this... I get so lazy with the food. Of course, my fresh produce is really picked green, ripens in a truck and is over-priced. You are so fortunate to live where you can enjoy such good food.


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