Sunday, March 31, 2013

Very Quiet on the Homefront

 This is about how thrilling it was around here today....grey and blah turning into rain late afternoon.

 Above....morning chores.  Below....evening chores.

"Get me outta this rain."

 Gary worked on one of the gardens this afternoon...let's see what develops.
Once again I was in slow as I did not sleep well last night.

 Did make dinner (did not take a lot of pictures).

Saint Tim's favorite mango and banana salad....

 Johnny Cake....
 and more of that 16 bean soup.

Look at what thecrazysheeplady was enjoying down in Kentucky (thanks to Auntie Reg).

 That's just part of it!  They also had French Onion Soup and who knows what else.
I don't know if I can compete if they come to visit!!!!

Whatever could I make for dinner????

Night all.

I am very jealous of the weather they were having in Daytona today.  This was the crew's second day at the beach.  Looks hard to take doesn't it?


  1. I think I need a week in Daytona.

  2. Ach... that Daytona weather is overrated!
    I hope you get some sunshine soon, and hope you had a Happy Easter.

  3. Daytona, looks like a winter's dream. No covers on the girls, is it warmer?your garden area is huge, I thought ours was quite large, is it for you, or others as well. Is the garlic planted? Cheers to all, north and south!! from Jean.

  4. It sounds like you had a quiet Easter too. Grey skies, no family visiting -- it didn't really feel like Easter.

  5. You did indeed have gloom didn't you. Sucky...but the sun will shine again soon I'm sure!

  6. the asparagus pizza is something I WANT. I mean I WANT. That looks absolutely wonderful.

    I am glad you were able to have a quiet Easter Sunday - as it should be for all Sundays ;)

  7. Nice to see all three horses getting along together. Moon looks to have a little attitude...perhaps?

  8. One of my dad's and my favorite meals: cornbread and beans. Mmm, mmm.


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