Monday, March 18, 2013

Two More Weeks?

I guess you could say that during the month of March I get anxious for winter to be over.  Our average temperatures have been 10 degrees below normal and the snow machine has been running off and on EVERY day.  Ugh.

 Very cold this morning, but there was not a lot of snow.  Within an hour we went from a beautiful sunrise to blah....this has been happening a lot lately.

Spent an hour at Agape after chores and had a pretty good work out.

At 2:30 I had a dentist appointment in Batavia and by the time I left it was snowing like crazy.

Put the girls in early so they could get out of the weather.

Gary watched Finn and Coop after school, and at 6:15 we left for Arlene and Randy's to have the Saint Paddy's Day dinner we thought we were having Saturday night (see Friday post).

 This time we knew it was the right night, as the table was set.

 We had the perfect Irish feast.

 AND!!!!! For the first time in about 3 years Arlene and I beat Gary and Randy in Sequence.
It's about time.
 Cherry pie for dessert and we were on our way back home.  It was RAINING by the time we got here.  Ridiculous.

Night all.

PS - I forgot to post Moon's greeting yesterday.


  1. I've got 6 inches of fresh snow and it's still coming down hard, no end in sight. I think we all need Spring.

  2. I see pictures on other peoples blog with daffodils and grass and I look out the window and it's snowing. Heh, I think everyone is in need of Spring!

  3. Oh, man, that food looks good. Brett doesn't like corned beef or cabbage so I never make it -- but I do love it.

  4. Yea, momma finally put your coat on like the horsie, BOL. Beautiful sunrise. We are on our way over for those foodables. You need to write a cookbook
    Benny & Lily

  5. but there wont be a drought on Skoog farm!

    And once again, I can relive feasts by your photos - yummmm....

  6. What a beautiful morning! But then, the white stuff.


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