Saturday, March 16, 2013


Good morning world!

 Most of the snow was gone but the temperature was below 20 when I went out to the barn.

 The girls must just love that frozen grass, as they left their hay for it.

 The sky went back and forth much of the day.

My friend Joan came over and we went to drumming.  Another hard workout, but a good one.

Stopped at Wegmans on the way home and loaded up on fruit.
Invited out to dinner tonight...the St. Paddy's traditional at Randy and Arlene's.

Made a carrot/apple/craisin/walnut salad and got together some dessert (from the bake sale last weekend).  Went out to do chores so we could leave by 6:15.

 Moon was following Gary as he walked out of the paddock.  Sweet.
 At 6 the sky was magnificent.

Went out to get the mail before we left.  This is how it looks out in front of our house from the accident the other night.  The girl's boyfriend came up the next day with a new mailbox and installed it for us.  He'll be back to do the lawn when it's warmer.
 Sid was keeping tabs on me.

Here's the surprise part!  When we got out to Randy and Arlene's we discovered it was the wrong night!  I told her we were already busy on Sunday and Saturday would be better,  but she misunderstood and there we were.  No corned beef and dinner.  

They had already eaten so we dragged out the salad I had made and they warmed up some leftover rigatoni for us.  We all rolled with it and will go there for the real deal on Monday.

 A crazy combo....oh well.
 We ended the evening with a game of Sequence.  Arlene and I were on a roll, the score was 2 to 2 and the guys skunked us for the 8 millioneth time.
Home a little after 10 and getting off to a late start with this post.
Night all.
Where is everybody?


  1. I'm right here!
    I see Miss Moon has found the mud.
    Funny surprise!

  2. I wish the snow would leave here too.
    A little hello from Helen in Norway :)

  3. I'm here!
    that combo may not be the usual but it looks delicious. & it looks like you had a great night too.
    ; )

  4. Sweet Moon following Gary. We're headed home tomorrow.

  5. I love the way Miss Moon follows Gary. And the way it appears that the Girls have introduced her to the joys of MUD!

  6. Your surprise dinner surprised me. Love the post.

  7. Whew! What a lot to catch up on. Lovely pony pics, amazing sunrise and such a beautiful piano. Always a treat to see so much of your days.

  8. Sounds like you have some wonderful friends to improvise with!

  9. Never have heard of Score looks interesting. The critters there look like they are starting to feel spring...not long now I hope.


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