Friday, March 15, 2013

Big Yawn....

Not enough energy to write many words.......snoooorrrrr.
 So what's new?  Beautiful sunrise followed by snow.

 Phoebe and Gucci just wanted to rest.

 So did I.  But noooooooo....I'd only been to Agape once this week and had to drag my butt down there for some exercise.  Just wanted to take a nap.
 Gucci had to visit the vet to get a rabies shot.  It was still snowing.
 There are still thousands of geese a couple fields over from the pasture.  Had to grab a few shots on the way home.

 Chores at 5:30.  There was some melting this afternoon and should be in the 20s tonight.

 Still very sleepy and we were going out tonight.

Picked up at 6:30 by Joann and "Jimmy Bob" C.  They invited us to attend a fundraising event in Rochester at Artisan Works.

When we left, the sun was back.
 Artisan Works occupies 50,000 square feet and is absolutely jam packed with art, antiques, cars and you name it.

 I'd guess that there were at least 300 people there for "A Taste of Cameron" in support of programs to help Rochester's youth and to feed and clothe Rochester's families.
 There were wine and beer tastings along with food from several restaurants.  Above, Gary was going for some Chicken French.

This was a real treat.  What a blend of flavors.
 You could also try pulled pork sliders, meatballs with a marinara sauce, amazing desserts and much more.  No shortage in the food department.

Music was provided by a George Eastman Jazz Ensemble.

 There are conversation areas all over the place and they invite you to go sit down wherever....

This is Louis Perticone.  He is the brains behind this ginormous undertaking.
 It has been at this location for 12 years now and books all kinds of parties, conferences and weddings.  What a wild venue.
 He has been very generous in the past, helping with the Stone Soup Auctions sponsored by the Art and Aesthetics Committee I am on.
Some of the paintings are hanging flat up against the ceiling.
 Rooms full of collections....

I'm outtagas.  Tomorrow is another day.
Night all.


  1. You have made me a little tired now also : ) How did you find the energy for the event? Lovin' Gary's sweater.

  2. Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures. These images depict your creativity and skills to make normal and mundane activities look extraordinary. The information will also help the photographers who often explore new themes for their next photo shoot.


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