Friday, March 29, 2013

Skywatching All Day Long

These sky shots are being posted for Stephen Andrew who asked where my SkyWatch Friday pictures were this morning.

 Our blah early sky gradually changed.....

 Had a 2pm meeting about the Stone Soup Auction that is coming up on May 3rd and the room was filled with the afternoon sun.

 Helen was bringing us up to date.  So much to do in the next month.

Almost 5 when I got home....did not cook!
 The sky had really peaked by chore time.

 Bring it on!!!!!!

                      Seeing that the cook had the night off, we drove to Brockport for dinner.
 Went to Barber's for some Balboas.
"Hi" Jen.
 "Hey Steph."

And that was that...a real spring day in Skoogland.
Night all.

By the by....
Jenny, Kristen and the kids made it to Daytona around 1pm!  They sure made good time.


  1. Thank you for the sky shots :) I love in the early spring when the skies are so intense blue-grey up against the yellow of willows. Your town looks picturesque!

  2. Yet another beautiful day in your neighborhood.

  3. Beautiful skies! Salad here for dinner.

  4. Love the daff pic - I'm a sucker for that lighting.

  5. Oh so pretty ~ Reminds me of the song words " Bows and flows of angel hair and ice cream castles in the air ...its cloud illusions I recall ~ I really don't know clouds at all " Not in correct order but the pics had he humming the lovely song anyway. Beautiful.

  6. Lovely, dawn to twilight, sky colours that change as the day moves on. beautiful Silver Tea Service with daffodils, Greetings from Jean

  7. Lovely shot of the children in that superb tree! Grown specifically for grandchildren.

  8. After all that snow you had it is nice to see your willow tree coming out green. I think the long Winter may be giving way to warmer times...we hope. Over the pond here, it has been very cold the past few days, but we had a very sunny one today, which gives us hope :)


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