Thursday, March 28, 2013

Could Have Been Better....

 The weather merry-go-round dumped more snow on us...but it did not last very long.

 Isn't Moon adorable?
 I sure have enjoyed meeting Lorie (her owner), spending time together in the barn each morning.
 After chores I went down to the college to hook up with Cooper.  His class was going to have some ice time at the Hockey Rink.
 He remembered skating once before when he was only 4 and had to hold on to a five gallon bucket.
 No hesitation on his part!  He was out there as soon as he got his skates on.
 We are fortunate to have this facility within walking distance of his school.

 For some reason I started feeling light headed and had to be relieved by Gary so I could go home.  He was kind enough to wait on me all afternoon.  Chicken soup, ginger ale, know the drill.  After a couple of naps I started to come around.

Here are a couple of clippings from the newspaper regarding the wine competition from last weekend.  Stephen Andrew and Carol asked about some of the wines...hope this helps.

By chore time I was functioning and the fresh air felt good.  All the snow had melted and we were once again into mud mode.

 Once again, Gary was putting wheel barrows of manure on one of the gardens.  He was given several bags of bulbs that he wants to get in the ground (even if they don't come up this year).  Daffodils and tulips. 
 Auntie Reg!  I made dinner tonight.  Organic chicken with caramelized onions and carrots, baked potatoes and homemade applesauce.  What would you like when you get up here?
Night all.

Bon Voyage to Jenny and the whole crew as they motor down to Daytona!
Cooper, don't forget to keep your journal.
And please take lots of pictures.


  1. Oh I am coming with Auntie Reg to eat like a queen:)
    Moon is adorable and what a great little skater Cooper is without the five gallon pail:)
    Take care of yourself there is a nasty bug going around pretty near took everything out of me but I am going to Toronto on Sunday for a week.It could not keep me from my girls. You are tough too but rest when you need to. HUGS B

  2. glorious mud!! Free bulbs, they will be great in spring, and the skating, great to have that right nearby. When I was Cooper's age or a little older, we had to walk 1.5 miles, bus for 30 minutes, train for 45 minutes, get a tram, then there was " The Roller Skating Rink" in Auckland, my Mum took a primary school friend and me in school holiday time , a real treat.Moon yes she is lovely. Greetings from Jean.

  3. You are way overdue for some sunshine.

  4. Our house has had rollercoaster weather, too. We are spending our last night out, and don't relish the idea of going back to freezing nights. It has snowed every other Saturday... the moisture is good, but what a mess!
    Wow! The wine competition sure seemed big.
    I'm glad you are feeling better. Do you know what is causing it? I used to get light headed in the early stages of pregnancy. Hmm... do you think???? ;-)
    Just thought this might be a good spot for a bit of humor!

  5. Lori; I will anything and hope we can share some recipes. My traveling companion will require veggies and veggies. :-)

  6. Thank you! I'm not much one for Riesling or ice wines...but took note of those to try if I come across them. I'm with Gary. I'm so sick of waiting for gardening seasons I've just started too!

  7. PS-glad you're feeling better! I had a 12 hour cold last week that threw me for a loop!

  8. Moon is beautiful, and i love the look she's giving you in one of those photos! :D Ice rink looks fun. And dinner, of course, looks marvelous. I swear, you have the best meals ever!

  9. Moon is adorable. She looks like she's settling right in. The mud season has started here too. Hope we all get some dry days and it disappears for good. Come on sunshine!

  10. Brrrrr, it looks cold there !!!! But, your dinner looks warm and delicious! Happy Easter,Lori. Mickie :)

  11. Sorry you weren't feeling well. I hope that's over.
    Moon is so photogenic.

  12. I love visiting you!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3

  13. I think I just fell in love with Moon.
    We are on a melting trend and the spring birds are arriving.

    Thank you Spring!

  14. When we lived in Newfoundland and I was about 5 years old, my parents would flood the backyard for a skating rink. So much fun!

  15. Hi Lori, can I join Auntie Reg for the delicious meal too? I only need the potatoes and yummy-looking apple sauce! I have never seen a horse with freckles. What a darling. I certainly hope your spring arrives shortly. We're entering winter soon. Greetings Jo

  16. YES! Moon is absolutely adorable!!
    Your little Cooper is pretty cute too, amazes me how the little ones have no fear, and they fall so easily. Me? Not so much. :)
    Glad you're feeling better, I've been on again, off again feeling punky for about a week. Fatigue, sweats/chills, headache, sinus D/C and even some nausea...very strange.

  17. Let's see: snow, ice, horses, skating, manure, yum dinner -- typical day at the Skoogs. . .

  18. Where's sky watch Friday?! Hope your bug didn't return. I always love comparing our sunrises


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