Wednesday, February 6, 2013


 Gary had yoga this morning so I soloed in the biggie.  Got in before 9 and had plenty of time to take a shower before going down to chorus (which went very well).

There is a local photo shop closing this month (Rowe Photo in Greece) and they have a huge sale going on, so I took a ride in and found the deal of the century.  Looked at 5 point and shoot cameras and ended up with a Nikon Coolpix S3300 in pink!  6X zoom and 16.0 Megapixels with a leather case and 3 year warranty all for $59.99 marked down from $140!  Good enough for me, since I go through a camera every 12 months or so.  Never had a Nikon and needed to take awhile to figure it out.  Here are a few samples.

 If I tune in, should be able to get some pretty crispy pictures.

 Gary watched Finn and Coop this afternoon and I spent part of it in front of the fire reading.

Chores at 5:30 and the light was just fine.

 Tucked in my sweet girls....

and started on dinner.

 Ummmmmmmm....Johnny Cake.

 Chili from scratch beans.

(That salad looks like someone was trying to miss the plate).
Night all.


  1. Wow I must say the new camera takes very sharp and detailed photos. Looks great! Congratulations. Love your horses. Is there an old post explaining how they came to be yours? I only found your blog in October so missed a lot...I love horse stories :) looking at a new (100 year old) house with 2.7 acres, wondering if I could foster two rescue horses. Probably not enough room I know, but it's a dream of mine! Goodnight!

  2. Wow, what a deal on your new camera!
    I saw on the news that snow is headed your way. Stay safe and warm, Skoog Farm.

  3. You photos are always good, Lori, but this camera really does the trick. What a brilliant find. I too, seem to go through cameras a lot - I feel I have outgrown my Canon Powershot but still need to convince Grant of this! My P&S Sony works very well when we're touring SA on the motorbike as I take photos while while riding on the back of the machine ! Have a great day. Jo

  4. You got a great bargain for sure! My camera is a Coolpix too, but a fancier model - the LSH picked it out for me!
    Happy snapping.

  5. Nice pics! I'm looking for a new camera too. The Powershot is being difficult and doesn't focus well.
    I just looked at the weather map and it looks like snow heading your way.

  6. Wow what a deal wish I lived closer:)
    That is a really good deal I can not imagine it up here. Great little camera with incredibly good shots. Good job.
    I am realizing cameras only seem to last a year here to what a world we live in where everything is totally disposable. I have a nice older camera now and am hoping it is made better and durable.
    Yeah Lori. Hug B

  7. Great deal on the camera! I'm a Nikon girl myself.

  8. Wow, what a great deal on the camera! So fun finding a bargain. Lovely, clear photos too. I really like the one of the barnyard area. Soft, soothing colors. Well, we've done it again Lori...we've got salad, navy bean soup and cornbread on the menu tonight. :) Our tastebuds must be in tune! I love that you love your pretty girls!! If only all horses could have such good homes and loving caretakers...

  9. The camera looks like it will take more great photos. I need to get my act together and get one charged. I hardly take photos anymore. I love the design on the bird house.

  10. Yes rich crisp content for sure. Just found your blog and am enjoying spending time with your posts get acquainted. I am new to this and am loving the strolls into the world shared in blog land ~such a treat!


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