Thursday, February 7, 2013


 With a storm advisory on the way, I went down to Country Max and picked up grain to make sure there was plenty on hand.  Hopefully it will be mild here compared to what they expect on the east coast.  The predicted snow along with extremely high winds could be devastating to that area....again.
We are in deep tapioca with these extreme weather conditions.

 Gary and I drove into Rochester and visited the Public Market.  There were very few vendors and the produce was so-so.  Didn't find cabbage, red peppers, strawberries, apples and a variety of breads at the bakery.

 From there, we picked up Jenny and went out to lunch.

 She had given us a gift card from Pomadoros for Christmas and we wanted her to join us there for lunch.
 Everything was outstanding.

 Gary left late afternoon for a meeting and I fell asleep reading.

Chores at 5:30.
 The girls love dinner time.

On our own for cooking 'til tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. lovely day

    Sending YOU Aloha
    from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° >

  2. Ah I so wish we could take the blizzard here in Ohio for the East Coast! Iove a good snowstorm. Glad you prepared just in case!

  3. We have more horses than stalls in the barn (4 stalls: Flash, Winston, Mufasa, donkeys) so someone has to be out in the paddock. We have Jackson there as it is drier than the stalls. His run-in shed is 24x12 and the water runs off the paddock ground quickly as it is all slope. It suits his feet best since he never stands in deep mud. He is also safe from being harrassed by the others. Poor gimpy guy. (and he LOVES the paddock).

  4. I must look at Wunderground, it will tell me the forecast for you and all over US. I hope the storm does not do any damage, and you, friends, and all the family members stay safe( cats,dogs & horses included naturally). Cheers from Jean

  5. Of course the storm is all we've heard about here. But it's going to miss us, and I hope it's not too bad for you and that everyone stays safe and warm too!

  6. Lunch looks exquisite. :) I hope the weather isn't too wild for you all. Where my family lives in Maine, they're expecting something horrendous. And i agree with you, that another terrible storm is the last thing the mid-coast needs! I'm sending hopeful wishes that the forecasters have exaggerated a lot!

  7. I hope you aren't impacted by the storm. Stay warm and safe.

  8. I hope you aren't impacted by the storm. Stay warm and safe.

  9. I hope you aren't impacted by the storm. Stay warm and safe.

  10. That's one thing I definitely do NOT miss about being a Yankee (Brrr ;o) Hope all the buzz turns out to be a tempest in a teapot for you; this sure has been a strange winter for all of us!

  11. Enjoyed seeing your architecture pics, quite different from around here. Had to laugh at your comment about your girls loving dinner time...don't we all? :)
    Will keep all the folks on the east coast in my prayers, and hopefully the storm just fizzles out and passes by.
    Take care Lori.

  12. Hope you don't get a bad storm. The food looks delicious as usual.

  13. Batten down the hatches and stay warm. This too will pass.
    I love how your days include naps : )


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