Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Rest of the Day

 After waking to a gorgeous sunrise (see shots below)...
 went out to do chores.
 Put the filthy blankets out on the fence to dry (they got soaked later).

 By the time I finished, it was already 62 degrees.
 Class at 10:30.
 Donna mentioned making origami cranes for all the kids in her grandsons class and ended showing all of us how to do it.  Not easy....

The pups and I went down to Apple Creek Farm to pick our last bucket for the ponies.
Picked up a book at the library and made squash soup when I got home.

 Gary had a 5pm meeting and I did chores.

My head is so plugged up I feel light headed.  Put some vicks under my nose and am ready to crawl in bed.
Night all.


  1. It was warm wasn't it. I'll bet this crazy weather is what is stuffing you up.

    The origami is so interesting. It does look intricate.

    Like your header. Looks very Christmassy.

  2. Brett's had a bad cold since we were in SF for the wedding. I felt like I was getting it yesterday but am doing a bit better today - congested but not crawl under the covers miserable. That soup looks wonderful! Just the ticket for a cold. -- my mother used to put Vicks under my nose when I was a kid.

  3. Oh no, I hope you're not getting sick. Take it easy.

  4. I hope you feel better tomorrow. Stay warm!

  5. Really enjoyed tagging along through your day. Your soup looks wonderful! And ... I love your barn. Makes me think of my grandfather's barn in Denmark. Love the stone walls. Hope you feel better quickly.


  6. The cranes are so much fun.
    Water color skies!
    Squash soup. Yum!

  7. The cranes are cool and yes, not easy to make. I saw ones this year at Festival of Trees that they actuall fit over the lights to light up the bodies, they were very cool.


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