Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Huge Change in the Weather....

 When I get to the barn, I throw open the two front doors...turn on the light near the stalls, go into the feed room and prepare breakfast for Abbe and Berlin.  While they eat, I set up their hay under the shed roof and prepare the grain for the night feed.  
 I also put beet pulp pellets in a container and take it in the house to soak it, so it's not freezing later.
 This is Sidney's feeder.  Seymour works on it too.
The horses go out and I clean the stalls, setting up the hay for later.

 Because they are spoiled rotten, I open the side door to the indoor for them.  They only seem to go in there to roll.
This run-in is also available, which I opened on the way out to the barn.
Many options.
 For now I set a bucket of water near the doors to the barn.
 They also have a water trough (set up with a heater when it starts to freeze).
 The temperature had dropped more than 40 degrees so I put on their winter Rambos.
 Perfect conditions for colic.

 Do you have a radio that collects dust like this?  Music makes doing chores even better.

 All done.  Gary will dump the wheelbarrow for me later.
 Back to the house for a quick shower.
 After chorus today, we performed at the Senior Center.

 Santa was there.

Ate lunch, back to the farm...then to Agape.  I was not in the mood, but Gary put the peer pressure on me.
 Home a little before dark and went out to do chores.
The barn was fairly cozy compared to outside.  This cold is going to take some getting used to.
Night all.


  1. Your horses have the life. So nice to see that they are loved.

  2. Wow, you "sound" tired, is it the prospect of really cold weather ahead? or the darkening days? or jobs piling up and Christmas coming very soon? We have 27.5 C out, 26.5 in, 51% humidity,both a bit pooped with the heat, can I send it up your way? Love your morning routine, I guess the girls know down to the last five minutes waht happens next!! Greetings from Jean

  3. I'm just like you, Lori. Those temp swings scare me. We've been freakishly warm here, and that changes Sunday when we drop from high 40s on Saturday to single digits Sunday. I'm already making my colic prevention plan.

  4. Weather is changing here too. Fifties in Montana in December! Looking for highs in the low 30's Thursday. Makes for a difficult change!

  5. I'm sitting on the couch, nursing a cold and shivering. I'd die for sure in NY! I'm such a wimp...

  6. I liked to see what you do in the barn when you take care of your horses because I take care of two ponies every day as well. The heater for the water is so smart, I wish I had one. I do have a radio like that in the stable too - with lots of dust and cobwebs :)
    From Helen in Norway.

  7. Oh I love these your horses are lucky but so are you because if you are like me doing chores is a pleasure and makes everything feel good with the world. Hug B

  8. What lovely shots! Looking after horses can be a lot of work.

  9. Doesn't every barn have a radio like that? I think it is a requirement - I always remember the radio going in the milking barn when I was at my Aunt and Uncle's as well.


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