Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday Stills Challenge...Favorite Shots from 2012

Seeing that I take 50-100 shots per day, this is just the tip of the iceburg.

To view more shots from around the world, click on Sunday Stills in my sidebar.


  1. All terrific choices. You should include your header picture as well. I think my fav is the 3rd from the last, but I enjoyed them all. :) Happy New Year!

  2. Beautiful, all of them- you must have had a hard time picking them out, you have so many gorgeous photos.
    Happy New Year!

  3. Very nice, I'm with Shirley, you have so many beautiful photos how did you choose? If I had to pick it was the first one and the future Olympian.Happy New Year to you and your family.

  4. Wonderful! I bet it was very hard to chose! All are really excellent. Can't wait to see what the new year will bring from Skoog Farm. Btw I have always wondered how to pronounce your last name - long or short 0?

  5. You made amazing picks and I love each of them for very different reasons as I'm sure you do too. Here's to more of those in the new year my dear!

  6. Clouds above the barn roof, I always like sky, sea and water photos, but if I really had to choose just one, that would be so hard.Happy New Year to all, from Jean and Hugh

  7. Oh, Lori, you do take beautiful pictures.

  8. I like the stories your photos always tell. Nice!

  9. I've been out of touch and way behind on my blog reading - so glad I caught this one! What great shots - each one is a treasure. It must have been hard to choose, but you chose well.

  10. Your eye has such clarity of vision, Lori. Thanks for all of this years offerings, getting through your dilemma in the summer and foraging ahead.
    Happy New Year and all the best in 2013!


  11. I'm glad I don't have to choose just one. They're all great.

  12. It's a pleasure, seeing through your lens.

  13. A wonderful collection of your shots!


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