Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Eve Part II

 Seeing that we missed Christmas Eve Part I, we celebrated with our friends tonight.

 Tired before I even went out to do chores.  Got too cozy in front of the fire (listening to audio book).

 Tucked in my girls and took a quick shower before everyone arrived.

 Pot luck.

Too pooped to write....
Night all.


  1. No need for words, a great day from dawn to dusk, lovely sky pics, great food, wonderful friends and your family to share special time with you. Happy New Year to all at Skoog Farm from Jean.

  2. Can't believe how much snow you have had there!..and boy does it look gorgeous. Not so gorgeous to cope with I have no doubts, but still looks a winter wonderland. Hope you are feeling well now. Your evening with your family and friends looks so nice and oh does the food look yummy.

  3. Happy New Year I am sure it will be just as wonderful as your Christmas Eve. hugs B

  4. Looks like a great party. Good food and friends. You can't beat that.

  5. We vote you are the best cook in the East!
    Benny & Lily

  6. Looks like another great party!!! Potato galette turned out good :-).

  7. Lori, it looked like the traditional Skoog, warm and wonderful Christmas Eve. I could almost feel myself there. Great pictures. Be well, and Happy New Year.

  8. Wow, you have more snow than we do, knock on wood.
    I'd love to be at that party.

  9. Ohmygosh, the purty snow, the yum food! xx


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