Monday, December 10, 2012

Short and Sweet

 51 degrees this morning...ugly out there, but mild.
 It rained quite a bit last night.

 So blah.
 Went to Agape for some exercise ... home by 12:15.
 Made some veggie soup and then ran an errand.
 Put my butt up to the fire and relaxed before chores.
 Tucked in my muddy charges.  
Gary went to Agape and then to Jen's to watch the boys for a couple of hours.

Night all.  I'll get on the stick tomorrow.


  1. Oh short and sweet is OK rest now. Hug. I like the warm weather but I think I would like snow instead of all this rain and mud. B

  2. All I did today was walk the dogs this morning and make my bed, had lunch and took a nap. So your day seems pretty full to me.

  3. I'm still nursing this cold. Stayed home from work, on the couch, by the fire.

  4. 51 here, and 51 there are a bit different! The humidity and gray skies combined make it dreary, in my opinion!
    I hope you get some sun back!

  5. This is the season when we'll be missing warm weather. But still good to grab this cold weather to stay at home and relax. And for horses some comfortable coverings for cold weather.


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