Sunday, November 4, 2012


You know I'm not feeling well when I only take a few photos.
Tried to grab some macro shots when I got up...

 then the pups and I went out to feed the girls.  It started snowing!

 That didn't stick around very long.  We reached a high of 37 degrees.

 Barb was going to come over for some hay this afternoon, so I went upstairs in the barn and opened the back door to see if she could get in there with her truck.  No problem.  Of course Abbe and Berlin came up to see me and probably would have been happy to come in the barn.

 It seemed nice and dry, with no damage from Sandy's wind and rain.
 Tried to get more macro shots on my way back to the house.

 Still not satisfied.  (Used some flower shots I'd already taken....see post below)
 Spent all day bumming it in front of the fire and on the couch.

It was getting dark so I finally went out to do chores.  Decided to soak Berlin and leave her cold turkey for the night.  As usual, she was a very good girl.
 Both horses and blankets were filthy.

 Sweet girls...
 Did I want to make dinner?
 A salad with oranges and bananas, leftover cauliflower and mac and cheese.
Pretty sad, but that's where I'm at.
Night all.


  1. I think you need to rest in the California sunshine. :). Feel better soon!

  2. I hope you are feeling okay. Glad to see you didn't suffer damage from the storm.

  3. you do more ill than I ever do 'well!'

    Aloha from Waikiki,
    Comfort Spiral

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  4. Oh, my ... so many interesting photos. I sure zoomed in on the photos of the hay in your barn. It looks just beautiful!

  5. Rest up, keep warm, there will always be tomorrow . I agree, lovely hay, a very warm comforting feeling to have it all stacked up for winter . Greetings from Jean

  6. Oh I truly wish you would start feeling better. Great shots. Get lots of rest. Hugs B

  7. Seems there is still lots of work to do even when we don't feel well. Hang in there I'm sure you'll start to feel better soon.

  8. Snow? Yuck! Brr! Bleech!
    Stay warm!

  9. Stunning header, your art first I thought I saw scrabble pieces then looked very cool>>>your eye and what it captures!

  10. I'm dragging, too, Lori, so I will commiserate with you. xx


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