Friday, October 12, 2012

I Don't Know if I Am Ready for 28 Degrees

The light was magical all day long.

It created reflections on the wall in the kitchen from a little pinwheel stuck in the fig tree.
Ran a few errands before going to the Senior Center for a Volunteer Recognition Luncheon.
After that it was Tai Chi, then I was off to the massage therapist.
Busy afternoon.

Made some corn bread when I got home.  Randy and Arlene came over for dinner.
Homemade chili and a salad (no pictures....yikes)!
Did chores at 6.
With below freezing temperatures, I fed the ponies inside tonight.
More amazing light shining in through Berlin's windows.

Seymour and Sid have been spending more time together.

Arlene made a delicious apple pie for dessert.
Then she and I proceeded to get hammered (again) in Sequence.
That's it for today.
Night all.


  1. Oh I know I am not ready.
    Tia chi sounds nice I did hear it was helpful for so many things.
    Love the light on Berlins stall.
    Have a good weekend. B

  2. Lovely light— and scrumptious looking cornbread. Do you have a special recipe that you use? It's one of my favorite comfort foods.

  3. I'm never ready for any temp below freezing. David has his own winter weather scale, based on freezing. 28 is -4. 36 is 4. I think he feels the cold more than I do.

  4. It was 26 here the other morning, but I have decided that after this HOT summer I will not complain of the cold. I love your day as always. I just went to the vet to pick up more meds for Samson, then to the grocery store, the library, the ATM, the gas station and came home at 12:30 pm, totally exhausted. Took a nap and now I will read blogs. Thanks for your kind words for Samson, he looks a lot better.


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