Thursday, October 25, 2012


 What a morning.  Rich with color....mellow.....mild.

 Berlin was still very gimpy.  Standing in the stall last night probably didn't help, even tho it's about 30 feet long and full of fluffy bedding.
 The girls went out to the pasture while I gathered my supplies and a bucket of hot water.
 When I called them in...Berlin tried to trot, and then would not let me catch her for several minutes.
Finally got started and she was a model patient.
 This method of keeping her foot clean and dry works like a charm.

 Is this ugly or what?  It is hoof packing and has nice properties that can help draw out the abcess.
I spread it out on the bottom of Berlin's hoof....
 Then I cover it with a little diaper (pamper style tiny), put on a plastic bag (which I trim)...cover it with a sockie to keep everything in place....
 and then add the duct tape.
 It takes time, but it works.

Dropped the dogs off at the groomers and went to Agape.

 At 2 I picked them up and met Sherri's new rescue...a gorgeous lab.
 When Phoebe and Gucci saw my car, they went nuts!
 Couldn't wait to get home.

 Sophie likes sleeping in baskets, so I put a cushion in this one.  Conditions were quite amazing on the back porch with this summerlike weather.
 Did chores early and left the horses out for the night.  Seeing that it is very warm and they can sleep in the indoor or one of two run-ins, they should be ok.
 Did a little pasture picking before I went in.

 Another brilliant sunset.

 Late afternoon I made a batch of minestrone.  Unfortunately it fogged up my camera when I tried to take a picture...but let me tell you, it tasted great.  Cleaned out the frig for ingredients.
 We had 1 big tomato left from our garden that I had picked green.  It was perfect, so I made BLTs.
Why don't I ever think to do this?  YUM!

Time for a nice hot shower!
Night all.


  1. Your days are so rich

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

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    > < } } (°>

  2. Those animals are so well looked after, as are your family and friends. That bacon looks as if I could reach in and take a bite. We're nearing departure here - take off early Saturday morning. I'm glad you'll be able to remind me of western NY every day . . . xx

  3. BLT is my very favorite sandwich! Drooling over dinner. Only got to 66 here today. Perfect for gardening.

  4. That is nutty weather. Poor horsies hoof. We have all our feets crossed.
    Benny & Lily

  5. another productive day! (less Berlin's abcess of course)
    Pheobe & Gucci look so happy.

  6. Hope Berlin's foot is getting better - our daughter works with donkeys and mules (plus a few horses) and is continually having to dress feet like this, she manages to wrap them in seconds, but I guess when you have upward of 150 animals to tend to you cannot waste time! Have a good weekend...ann.

  7. Delightful sunrise shots! Almost better than the sandwich... well, ok NOT! hahahaha

  8. Oh I do miss the days when I had a doggie I could take to the groomers. Yours are sooooo darling! Lovin' that food too. BLT's are my favorite sandwich and now I am really wanting to make some minestrone soup!

  9. The pups look adorable.
    I hope Berlin gets better soon.

  10. 82 sounds wonderful and makes me jealous!


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