Wednesday, October 24, 2012


 Another damp morning.  Berlin was still very gimpy, but her boot was still on.
After a few minutes of eating hay, it was pasture time.
 Took a quick shower and headed down to chorus.  We had an outstanding rehearsal today.

 Our regular director was not there, and Greg (pianist and retired music teacher) was in charge.
Boom. Boom. Boom.  We sailed through the music and covered a lot of territory.

 After all our up and down weather, this rose was still blooming outside the center.
 This past weekend our DVD player tanked right when I wanted to watch "Damages."  If you have time on your hands, this tv series starring Glen Close is well worth watching.  I get it through Netflix and can't wait to watch the whole will take awhile.  Anyway, our friend Roger (who lives in Christina's World) is the sharpest techie I've ever met, and he located a great deal on a Blu-ray Disc/DVD Player.  I should even be able to stream movies through my wireless set up.  We shall see.
On my way into Rochester (to pick it up) I drove by Bridle Wreath Farm and had to snap a picture of Chloe.  I have posted pictures of her before, when she was just born.  Looks great. (Haffie).
 Rowe Photo was in the middle of a huge street reconstruction and it was not east to get there.  The store was surrounded by all kinds of plants.

 Gucci and Phoebe rode in with me.
 They both love going in the car.
 When I got back to the farm, Roger came over and hooked everything up.  Now I just need the next DVD from Netflix.  Thank you Roger!

Went out to do chores around 6.  When the girls saw me, they started walking in from the back pasture.  As you can see, my old girl Berlin is walking much better.  I'll change her boot tomorrow and give her another good soak.  It had to have been an least I hope that is all it was.

Not here long enough to make a real dinner, so we had hot dogs and leftover coleslaw.  Now, if we only had some apple pie left.
Tomorrow the dogs get groomed and I must go to Agape.
Night all.


  1. Glad Berlin is doing better - those things are worrisome with an older horse.

  2. what a lovely life!

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

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  3. Good news about Berlin.
    I Love a good hot dog!

  4. I do hope the boot, the soak and any other treatment does the trick for Berlin. When they can't tell us, and we know something is wrong, such a worry. Cheers from Jean

  5. Read back through the posts and your knowledge is amazing. To know the gimp was a hoof thing and then to soak and wrap so fancy.... you really know your stuff. We want a horse, but it sounds so scary. I might do better with several more kids!! Hope everything is even better tomorrow.

  6. Glad Berlin is better and she is lucky to have such a good doc for a Mom!

  7. Happy news about Berlin. You have such a full amazing life. I admire that. B

  8. So glad to hear Berlin is doing better. Keep up the good work, Berlin. Good job, vet tech Lori.


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