Tuesday, October 16, 2012


 Started off the day in the usual way.
 Mowed the front paddock and a couple of spots in the pastures.
 Turned the heater on in the studio so it would be toasty for class.

Sandy finished her drawing today.  Stunning.

After lunch I tripped on down to Wegmans.

 By the time I headed home, the weather improved greatly.

Ate dinner before chores tonight.
 boneless porkshops...
 and butternut squash.
You should have been here...what a blend of flavors.

Tucked the girls in and got in the house before dark.
Getting ready to watch the debate...in front of the fire (of course).
Night all.


  1. Stunning is the word for that bear!

    It's almost time for that debate! Gotta tuck in those boys so we can watch!

  2. I want to be one of your art students!

  3. The one thing that stood out in all your lovely photos ( for me as a lover of blue and of bags) was the oval blue bag, is it hand made,quilted, and what does it have hidden inside?? Your art ladies show their talent so well. Cheers from Jean.

  4. I would say that the heat really helped with creativity--What talent!!

    I hope your Tuesday is ending on a good note!!

  5. Mmm, I wish I'd been there for that blend of flavors and the feast of art! I LOVE the cat picture. Have a great day, Lori. Greetings. Jo


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