Sunday, September 2, 2012


 Such gorgeous mornings!

 After chores we went down to the village...Gary to Java....I went to the farm market.
 So many friends were there at the same time...lots of socializing.
 So many good deals I could not resist.  Bought a small watermelon and a cantaloupe for $1 each.  4 red peppers for a buck, and 3 of those long sweet ones for a dollar.  A dozen ears of corn for 2.25.  Ate four for supper and froze the rest after I blanched it.

On the way home we went to the spa.
 Gary read his paper and chatted with Roger and Tina while I swam for an hour and 15 minutes.
 Colorado skies.
 The way Tina takes care of her gardens really pays off.  These spectacular 
blossoms are next to the barn.

Just when I was ready to drive Gary down to his Welcome Center duty, a friend down the road
arrived to take all of our manure.  Yey!!!!!!!!
 It's gone!!!!!!!!!
 Went across the street to see the new pasture my neighbors are creating...a new horse will be moving in soon.  Today Harley and Dancer were checking us out, hoping the new grass was for them.

 Started supper, picked up Gary and went out to do chores.
 Abbe always wants to rush me.

 Two frogs were taking advantage of the little habitat I have created for them.

Night all.
PS - I think I am finally ready to stop using a cane when I leave the house.  Progress.


  1. The fruit salad made my mouth water.
    Glad your manure found a good home

  2. It sure looks like it was a beautiful day. Wow! The prices at your farmer's market sure beat those at our market. I think a cantaloupe was $3.00. Corn was $12 for a crate. One ear was $.50
    I wasn't buying at that price.

  3. Great news on the knee! You are really getting there.

  4. Yayyyy for walking! I loved the frog picture!

  5. Horses' trash!! another man's treasure for sure, what a great idea to use it somewhere else.Everyone gains.Great veges, I haven't seen long sweet peppers here, must try for some seeds.Glad the cane is almost relegated/delegated,/ abandoned to the cupboard!!! Cheers. Jean.

  6. So glad you can ditch the cane. Everything looks so fresh and delicious. What gorgeous blooms your friend has. Seems you're back to being really busy.

  7. If we had those prices I'd have fresh in the house all the time. Our corn in the store is 79 cents each! A cantaloupe would be $4-5 and peppers are $2 each, but sometime on sale for $1.50. It would be corn on the cob and cantaloupe every day!!


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