Monday, September 3, 2012


 I want to start by congratulating Daniela and her soccer team, who traveled from Las Vegas to San Diego for a big tournament this weekend....
CHAMPIONS!  Steph said she was carried off the field after two overtimes.
Way to go Zsa Zsa!

 I'm lovin' that morning light.
 The girls came in to eat and chores went quickly.

 Most mornings I feel ambitious, so I went to Weggies and came home to make a fruit salad.
 After that....made Apple Betty from our own apples.  We have never had so many.

 Gary picked a basket of grape tomatoes to take over to Mary Pat's this afternoon.
 Jenny picked him up and they worked on the front of her house for a few hours.  It is looking great!
 I stopped by to get him at 4 and we were off to MPs for a couple of hours with friends.

 Home by 6:30 and went out to do chores.  The temp got up to 88 today....

Night all.


  1. I wish I had a big old apple tree : )
    Sounds like perfect weather today.

  2. Congratulations to Daniela and team!

  3. 96 degrees here today. And the pool temp is down to 76 -- cold nights. That's too cold for me and even Brett said it was a bit chilly.

  4. How is Gary's foot healing? Will he have the boot off any time soon. I hope he's not in pain.

    Congratulations to the soccer team. What an achievement!!


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