Saturday, August 18, 2012


 99.9% of the time my day starts and ends with chores....for 31 years I have been doing this.

 Gucci has been shaking her head and scratching her ears so I finally took her to the vet this morning.
Phoebe came along for the ride.
 Her ears were not too bad and I already had cleaner and meds so I did not have to buy more.
Big bill tho, as I needed to get some Advantage.  No fleas, but both dogs seem to have some kind of itchy allergy.  Went to Weggies and got a generic antihistamine for $3.49.  So nice that the vet was willing to tell me about it so I did not have to pay for some expensive thing at the office.

When I got to the store, there was Rufus!  I know that some of you read Sophie's View and he looks just exactly like her.  I discovered him at the same parking lot over a year ago and could not believe my eyes.

 Decided to hang my banner from the indoor on the side porch as it was easier to put up.

 It was a beautiful day....sunny and coolish.
 Late afternoon we went to an open house being held by a couple of our (young) friends down in the village.  They bought and older home and really did a number on it.

 We brought them a bottle of wine and a basket of veggies.

 This is Dan....our host and master of all trades.
 Their yard must be 300 feet deep and is the size of a park.
 This is Amy....our hostess.

 Ulpi and Margay were there along with at least 75 others....

 It was especially good for Gary to get out and socialize with so many of our friends.

 And then, the other end of the day.

 Did a little work in the garden before coming back in.  Tomorrow is going to be sauce day.

That's it for now.
Night all.


  1. My blood pressure always goes down-

    - at Skoog Farm!

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

  2. What a beautiful day! Beautiful weather, flowers, puppy dogs, food and friends.

  3. Sophie's doppelganger! But a bit more masculine.

  4. Beautiful pictures. Glad you are okay little one. My Lily has an itchy ear too
    Benny & Lily

  5. The house remodel is beautiful and what a huge yard...nice that you were able to go and visit with friends.

  6. Looks like you had a picture perfect day.
    Chores, friends, good eats, and a quiet evening!

  7. I always love seeing the views at your farm!

  8. What a lovely home, and how nice to find youngsters willing to do that sort of work on it.

  9. Reading your posts, I always want to say this, but I don't think I ever have: A LIFE RICHLY LIVED! That's you Lori and you are an inspiration.

  10. I forgot to mention that I do remember Rufus and he looks like Sophie's twin brother. Amazing!

  11. Rufus does look just like Sophie!!! Beautiful open house!

  12. Doesn't it feel strange when you see something or someone who seems so's like I know that person or in this case in point Rufus....thanks for sending the pics Lori...wouldn't it be cool if Rufus and Sophie met...OK now who's who!?
    So great to see people refurbished older homes and giving it new life...that's what lie is all about...cheers!


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