Friday, August 17, 2012


 A grey morning....needed a long sleeved shirt.
Called the girls in for breakfast.

Not interested in hay, so they went back out to the green pastures.
 This was my last formal physical therapy appointment and it was another tough one.
I can have 4 more, but will use them once a week for the next month.  Plan to go there to work out at least 3 times a week (one being a time where I get stretched).  I must admit that I am totally tired of the routine I have been on for the past three months...even tho I know it was necessary.  Now, I think I will go a little later in the day so it won't be so chilly at the pool.
 At 7:45 this morning my friend Judy called to see if I would like to go out for lunch.  It was an early birthday treat.
We drove into Rochester.
I had never been to Roccos.
The food was fantastic!  One of the things we ordered was a tomato salad 
with gorganzola dressing....outrageous.

 I'd go back there in a heartbeat.

 On the way home we stopped at Judy's so I could see all the changes in her yard.

 It's just a narrow village lot and she has used it to the max.  On the side of the house is a veggie garden with huge tomato plants, herbs and melons.

 There was grass in the back yard that has now been turned into a patio.
 If you look at the garage, it might remind you of her house that I posted earlier.
 Absolutely charming.

 Is this porch out of the movies or what?
 Tired (and full) when I got back to the farm.  Took a nap.
 Dragged myself out to do chores and had no appetite for dinner.
 Who knows what the weather is going to do.

Thank you Judy, for a great birthday lunch....
Night all.


  1. Happeeee early birthday! When is the date? and don't the ponies look fine?!

  2. That salad looked great... but your friend's house and garden is truly charming... please thank her for being able to show us!

  3. That lunch looked amazing! I'm drooling looking at the salad.
    When is your birthday?

  4. ♪♫♪♪Happy Birthday♪♫♪♪
    for when it comes (:

  5. When's your birthday??? Mine is close too :-D.

  6. I just love the charm of Judy's place! Happy Birthday to you!

  7. Yea!! Into the cool(er) we go!! I like long sleeves after 2-3 weeks of *too hottt!
    My siss is just ahead of you...she too had her last formal PT. SHE CRIED though, as her therapist is so much more to her personally.
    Good job Lori, its tough, but you've made it.

    Happy Birthday to us!!
    Mine was the 8th. When is yours??

    My b-day gift to myself turned out to be the " self photo" of my header currently. Wa was astounded by flashing red light in the woods, and smiled this time, for having to stand still!

    Love you girlfriend's gardens!!! She Totally gave me an idea for grounds between our herbs and raspberries! Thanks for the great photos!!

    Be well Lori, new things are ahead and change is in the winds~;)

  8. Fabulous looking lunch. Hope you had an amazing birthday!

  9. Yes Happy Birthday Lori! And what a great lunch that was! Thanks for a 'touch' of Rochester, always wondered what it was like. I have distant cousins there on my mother's side of the family.
    Your photos are beautiful....the horses, friend's garden and the sky!
    Thanks for dropping by today. Have a great weekend.

  10. Happy birthday early!!!
    I am drooling over that salad.
    Judy's home and garden - charming!

  11. Add me to the chorus - when is your birthday? Sounds like you have a good plan for the rest of your PT. It's so hard to keep in mind that it all just takes time and this too shall pass. People keep telling me about how it took years to get back to normal and it actually gives me hope because I look at them and see that they did recover. We will get there, I'm sure of it!


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