Wednesday, August 15, 2012


 Morning fog.

 Chores as usual.

 Beautiful light.
 Somehow I dragged myself to the pool.  It was like going to Girl Scout camp and having to swim in freezing cold.  At that time, there were a lot of clouds....fortunately the water temp was 80.
 Tina said they had 1 3/4 inches of rain last night.  All of her plants were loaded with droplets.

 You guessed it.  My next stop was Physical Therapy.  Crank....crank.
 Lots of errands on the way, weggies blah blah blah.
 Gary picked a basket of veggies for our friend Sara.

As if I had not already done enough, bought some new cartridges for my printer and had an appointment with the massage therapist.  Love this iguana on her wall.  After all my activities, she thought I might be a little sore tomorrow.

I can't go by these fish without taking a video.

Picked up Finn and Coop at the Rec Center on my way home....did chores
 and Gary made a salad while I drove down to Ralph and Rosies to pick up a pizza.
 Got two extra slices of country sweet chicken so we would be sure to have enough.
 Jenny borrowed Gary's van as she is taking four kids to a photoshoot tomorrow.
 Coop fell asleep and the picture of Finn was all blurry.
 After they left I went out to take off the horse's masks.
 Abbe could see the geese and deer in the back 40.

Sunset and time to crash.
Night all.


  1. I'd love to have that rain!
    Maybe when it gets too cold for Tina's beautiful pool, you could go to a rec center pool. I did that for my broken clavicle, and it was a big help. Speaking of breaks, how did the Cub Reporter/World Traveler's surgery go? I wish her well.

  2. Enjoyed seeing your wonderful photographs....I always enjoy reading about your daily chores.


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