Tuesday, August 14, 2012


 Do your cats like to drink out of the horse's water trough?
 Another grey morning...
 Perfect for mowing the pasture.
 Abbe and Berlin kept me company.
 It was raining by the time I finished.

Class today.  Outside the studio is a little orchard that Gary planted in the spot the used to be an inground swimming pool.  We filled it in several years ago when the repair bill was almost as much as a new pool.  We had it for over 25 years and I really miss it (not the work part).
 Anyway, we have 2 cherry trees, 1 plum, 1 peach and two apple.
 Because of our screwy weather, none had blossoms or fruit.
 Fortunately, it was nice and cool in the studio.

 All were very busy!
 After class, Tina usually hits the garden.
 Had to go to the bank and get gas for my car....dropped off some beets at Judy's.  Is this not a 
doll house?
 Watched a movie this afternoon.  Man did we have a monsoon!  Thunder, lightning and some
 Went out to close the doors to a couple run-ins and the indoor so they wouldn't get flooded.
Also put the horses in their stalls.

After the movie I went out to do chores and it was still raining.  I set my umbrella down and look who thought it was a great place to hang out.

 It stopped raining by the time I was finished.
Gary just told me that some people in Washington State are turning their horses loose because of the fires.  I sure hope they get to a safe place and end up with their owners.  Does anyone have more information on this?

Night all.


  1. I had not heard about the fires in Washington. We've been advised to put the horses in the arena or drylot pasture. Sometimes, when they are turned loose they get scared and confused -- and run into the fire. Fortunately, our trailer is large enough to fit them all.
    The cat does drink out of the water troughs; so do the dogs. Kersey has been known to go swimming in the big one.

  2. PLEASE send some rain our way! Your students are extremely talented! What a group!

    I'm praying for the poor folks in the northwest... what a sad thing for them.

  3. So sad about the fires.

    Is that butterfly real?

  4. Love that you let us glimpse the downpour . . . and the cat w/matching umbrella . . .and the artwork. Sounds as if you are getting back to normal, mm?

  5. That's very scary and I don't have horses. Great umbrella/cat shot!

  6. We've got some wild fires in the SE portion of Oregon, and it connects with Nevada state. Fire has burned over 500,000 acres so far and is still not contained. Many ranchers are left with no grazing land for their cattle. Donated hay was shipped on 12 semi trucks yesterday which will help for a little while. But, I've heard nothing about any fires in Washington. But, pretty much all the Pacific NW is under an extreme fire danger alert now until the fall rains begin. And, in my neighborhood, we're heading into another 4-5 day heatwave with temps predicted in the 100's. That's very hot for us. I'm melting...

  7. Not sure what to think about turning horses loose : (
    I do know that the fifth photo on this post is how I might imagine the Garden of Eden.


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