Saturday, July 28, 2012


 Look who got rained on and rolled in the indoor.
 Woody came up to finish taking down the fence line....the last of it.
 He worked his butt off.
 Abbe decided to take a nap.
 It was overcast and a little rainy, but I finally decided to go for a swim.  Once I got there the sun appeared and it felt great.
 I'm worried about Phoebe.  She went to the groomer a couple of days ago and has not been feeling right ever since she got home.  Her belly was all red and hot (shaved) and she acted itchy.  So I washed off the area with a cold washcloth and it seemed to help.  She had already scratched a couple of spots.  Now, her skin seems better, but she is not herself.
 Below, you can sort of see where the old fence line was.  It looks great.  Thank you Woody.

 Jenny came up and did all kinds of things to help the cause....from washing bird crap off the gates to the indoor and unloading grain and bedding to giving me a break from evening chores.  I loved it!
So appreciated!!!
 Picked some veggies from the garden to take over to Tina and Roger tomorrow.
Off duty for now.
Night all.


  1. Abbe with a brown mane, interesting look, let her know it really isn't her color and she should stick with grey. I hope Phoebe feels better soon. Poor little thing. Quieter day today so I was able to keep my foot up most of the time.

  2. Does the groomer use fresh blades for each grooming? And does she/he use powder, gel/ anything that might irritate?Could she have picked up a flea/fleas/ from the grooming table? Awful thought but it can happen? Hope it gets better very soon. Friends are, when they are true, real value friends,invaluable in times of need. Lovely veges too. Cheers, Jean.

  3. So sorry to hear that Excellent Dog Ms. Phoebe is under the weather. Hope she perks up soon.

    I do indeed follow the crazy sheep lady! A good hearted woman, and beautiful photos.

  4. It's so nice to have friends and family who help out, you are very lucky to have them. Hope Phoebe is feeling better, they can't tell us what's ailing them, we have to guess sometimes - she looks such a sweety.

  5. Poor Phoebe. Hope she feels better soon. It's nice to have help sometimes isn't it. Jenny's a good kid.


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